From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 21:02, 18 April 2012 by Thunderbirdtr (talk | contribs) (Travel Subsidy Request Warning sign fixed)

πŸ”— LinuxTag 2012

πŸ”— Dates/Location

Max 23. till 26. 2012

πŸ”— Event Description

LinuxTag is a free software expo and conference with an emphasis on Linux. It is relatively large, in 2011 over 11.500 visitors from around 30 nations, claiming that it is the largest expo of this kind in Europe. The LinuxTag byline is as always "where .COM meets .ORG". This includes both representatives from not-for-profit/community projects and from companies.

πŸ”— Event Owners

πŸ”— Fedora Representatives

(in order of addition)

# Name I want to work at the booth I need a hotel I need funding Funding Request # Comments
1 Christoph Wickert
x Your name =yes, =no

πŸ”— Event Schedule

πŸ”— Tuesday

  • Booth setup
  • Claim Exhibitor passes at the projects office (Christoph)

πŸ”— Wednesday

πŸ”— Thursday

πŸ”— Friday

  • Regular exhibition day
  • Meet for dinner with the Red Hat folks?

πŸ”— Saturday

  • Regular exhibition day
  • Academy-Day
  • 18:00 Booth tear-down and cleanup

πŸ”— Ideas/Brainstorming

  • Hot dogs?

πŸ”— Important Deadlines

2012-01-29 Call for papers ends 2012-03-20 Call for projects deadline

πŸ”— Event Budget


πŸ”— Travel Subsidy Requests

Funding is limited to 15 persons
Other persons can still attend Linuxtag and we'll be happy to organize them a hotel room etc. but they will not receive funding from Fedora. Funding is only available for people who help at the booth!

πŸ”— Event Reports