🔗 Introcuction
Trusted Boot is a technique...
🔗 Prerequisites
yum install tboot
yum install openssl
🔗 Installation
The following will provide a trusted boot setup with checksums on the initramd and kernel.
Step 1
Take ownership of the TPM
tpm_takeownership -z
Download the proper tboot.gz file for your architecture. Place it in /boot/tboot.gz
Step 2
In order to create a VLP we need the path to the initial ram disk and kernel, as well as the kernel line in grub.conf.
Create a new verified launch policy.
tb_polgen --create --type nonfatal vl.pol
Add the kernel hash / grub command to our VLP
tb_polgen --add --num 0 --pcr 18 --hash image --cmdline "$grub_cmdline" --image $kernel_file vl.pol
Add the initramd to VLP
tb_polgen --add --num 1 --pcr 19 --hash image --cmdline "" --image $initramd_file vl.pol
Hash tboot.gz
lcp_mlehash -c "logging=vga,serial,memory" /boot/tboot.gz > mle_hash
lcp_crtpolelt --create --type mle --ctrl 0x00 --minver 17 --out mle.elt mle_hash
Find your system's pcr values. They may alternatively be in /sys/bus/pnp/devices/00:0a/pcrs
cat /sys/devices/platform/tpm_tis/pcrs | grep -e PCR-00 -e PCR-01 > pcrs
🔗 Notes
We may need to modprobe tpm --force=1