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Revision as of 18:59, 24 January 2013 by Graphitefriction (talk | contribs)
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This is my mud puddle with bits of my pink brainish stuff
The results and plans here are not the official decisions of any group within Fedora.

Marketing + Ambassador Cross Pollination

Ambassador Core Events


  • NELF is now 2 days long, CFP open
  • LFNW CFP open
  • TLF is about a month earlier than usual, CFP open
  • OSCon CFP open
  • ILF is 1-2 months later than usual
  • LinuxCon CFP open
  1. Ambassadors want to increase their presence at events.
  2. Have increased budget for events and collateral in FY14 budget being submitted to FAmSCo.
  3. What additional events does Fedora want a presence at?

Future Event Results

1. How do we help/encourage people to speak at events about Fedora?

2. Scale11x

  • A lot of confusion as to who is actually making the decisions about Fedora's presence here
  • Is there a Fedora FAD or not? Or is it a Fedora social event (what ever that is)?
  • No Ambassador ticket, no funding as of yet

3. PyCon

  • We don't have a booth here because we started planning too late and missed the free OS booth window
  • Toshio is the event owner, he distributes media as a floating ambassador
  • The attendees may try to do a Fedora meetup during the conference
  • Ambassador ticket with notes: #48


  • Mario will pay half sponsorship cost at bronze level and NELF admin say we'll get Gold level (contract?)
  • Numerous Fedora talks planned and given by Mario
  • Full day Fedora Camp, which is social/marketing oriented on both days
  • Need people from Harvard area to help
  • Mario is recruiting some students to assist
  • Ambassador ticket with notes: #49

FUDCon 2013 meeting

Create collateral for the following audiences

  • Python collateral
    • Tim F, Kevin Fenzi
    • Prep for Pycon
  • SysAdmin collateral
    • Tim F, Kevin Fenzi, Dennis Gilmore
    • Could this material be worded to do double duty for the DevOps crowd? Check with Robyn and Al Stone
  • ARM - on hold
  • Cloud - not needed
  • Maker/DIY
    • Ruth and Spot
    • Waiting on 3D printer to be built
    • Prep for Penguincon
  • HAM radio
    • Nick B, Eric C.
    • Prep for Dayton Hamfest
  • Ruby
    • On hold until a few more key features get updated and released

Embedded systems

    • Need to find out where this audience gathers (if they gather)
    • Ask John Lowe at next DOSUG/DJUG meeting

Collateral to update

  • Design/Graphics brochure
  • Photography brochure
  • Video
  • Musician

Fedora Magazine

  • Smooge set up URL redirect
  • Ruth to track down Dan Walsh for content
  • Sarah: check out Red Hat mag and Fedora mag wikipage