🔗 Network Manager Test Suites
🔗 Summary
The NetworkManager project has recently recieved a bunch of new features and other features are under development. For Fedora, NetworkManager is the network configuration solution of choice. The goal of this feature is to prepare several test suites for NetworkManager and related projects and add them to the upstream project.
🔗 Owner
- Name: Pavel Šimerda
- Email: psimerda at redhat.com
- Name: Jiří Pírko
- Email: jpirko at redhat.com
🔗 Current status
- Targeted release: Fedora 20
- Last updated: 2013-01-21
- Percentage of completion: 20%
🔗 Detailed description
There will be several test suites to fulfill specific goals. Together they will cover not only NetworkManager itself but also some of its dependencies.
🔗 Underlying platform test suite
Routines to access the underlying platform is being be centralized into a single NetworkManager module called nm-platform. The purpose of this test suite is to check the nm-platform module, the underlying libnl library and the kernel. It requires root access to the machine where it is used.
🔗 Core behavior test suite
The nm-platform module offers a fake implementation of the underlying system behavior. This can be used to test the behavior of core NetworkManager code. The purpose of the resulting test suite is to carefully test the inner workings of NetworkManager. This test suite won't have any specific requirements and will run as 'make check' test even with an ordinary user account.
🔗 LNST-based virtual network test suite
The LNST project can be used to run larger scale integration tests for specific network configurations. The purpose of this test suite is to test the real-world use cases and configurations. It will be the only test suite that will go as far as testing the actual connectivity. It will require LNST testing framework and a virtualization solution. Alternatively, a network of physical hosts can be used.