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FreeIPA v3 Trust Improvements


Multiple Domain Controllers and multiple additional DNS domains managed by FreeIPA can now be accessible via trusting relationship by Active Directory domain members. Additionally, Global Catalog service is provided for use by AD clients, allowing FreeIPA users to be included into access-control lists of AD resources.


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Current status

  • Targeted release: Fedora 19
  • Last updated: 2013-01-16
  • Percentage of completion: 70%

Detailed Description

In Fedora 18 only a single designated Domain Controller in FreeIPA realm is supported for interoperability with Active Directory and only a primary DNS domain associated with the FreeIPA realm is advertised to the trusted party. With the changes coming in future FreeIPA release, support for multiple domain controllers per FreeIPA realm and multiple DNS domain suffixes associated with the realm will be available. FreeIPA will also provide Global Catalog service implementation which is key feature to allow discretionary access to Active Directory resources for FreeIPA users --- making possible, for example, interactive logon to Windows machines under a FreeIPA identity.

Benefit to Fedora

System administrators, using FreeIPA in Fedora 19, will get access to resources in trusted Active Directory domains. Active Directory domain administrators will be able to authorize access to their machines, services, and applications for FreeIPA-managed users and groups, giving practical bi-directional interoperability.


The work is done in the scope of FreeIPA upstream development. List of development tasks is available here. Additional capabilities are provided as part of SSSD upstream development, designed and tracked here

How To Test

Test instructions for trust feature are available at and will extended to cover multi-DC configuration and extended access controls when accessing Windows machines

User Experience

FreeIPA-managed users will be able to log-in interactively to Windows machines in a trusted Active Directory domain. FreeIPA administrators will be able to configure multiple domain controllers and multiple DNS domain suffixes visible to a trusted Active Directory domain.


Contingency Plan

Feature implementation affects FreeIPA and SSSD. If SSSD part is not implemented in time, this feature is not delivered. There is no effects otherwise, previous behaviour is retained. Same goes for FreeIPA. Other parts of Fedora are not affected.


Release Notes

  • When using FreeIPA to trust Active Directory domain, it is now possible to designate multiple domain controllers in FreeIPA to serve Windows clients.
  • FreeIPA adds management of additional domain suffixes visible to trusted Active Directory domain's clients.
  • FreeIPA now implements Global Catalog service to allow Active Directory domain administrators grant access to their resources to FreeIPA users.

Comments and Discussion