From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Pablo Martin-Gomez

Currently, living in Brussels (FOSDEM and multiculture powa) and high school junior. I'm most of all involved in the french community Fedora-Fr

You can contact me if you want in english, french or spanish (I could read the portuguese, but I will reply in spanish)

🔗 Contact

  • Email: [[MailTo(pablo.martin-gomez AT laposte DOT net)]
  • IRC: Bouska on #fedora-fr #fedora-fr-devel and sometimes #fedora-l10n and #fedora-devel
  • GPG key: 9C616D49
  • Fedora Account: bouska
  • Jabber:

🔗 Activities within Fedora

  • I'm involved in the french translation
  • In my free times, I try to build some packages for Fedora