From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Jeremy Blanc

My name is Jeremias Blanco Choncén and was born in 1983 in Lima (Perú).I Live in Capital Federal, Buenos Aires (Argentina). My First contact with computers was when I got 16 years old. Always want to know, how everything works back on programs.

🔗 Contact

  • Email:jeremyblanc(AT)fedoraproject(DOT)org
  • IRCNick: Quintin
  • IRC: #fedora-ambassadors , #fedora-admin , #pyar
  • GPG key:
  • Fedora Account: Quintin

🔗 Activities within Fedora

  • I'm in Fedora since 2013, want to grow here inside. I want to learn and help this community to improve every day. Recently successfully completed the course RHCSA Administration on Linux (RedHat) I love learning how computers communicate with each other. I would love to learn to program, now I'm starting with Python. In all these ways I would like to grow in order to help.
  • Linux Administration RHSCA #fedora-admin // Python #fedora-amabssadors.

🔗 Certifications

Linux Administration (RHCSA) Linux (Redhat) 2013 (Prodyesa Foundation - Capital Federal - Argentina)