From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 Joining the Fedora Magazine

🔗 Feedback

Do you have a story or would like to give us a feedback? Please subscribe to the marketing mailing list to discuss the story or let us know how you feel about the issue.

🔗 Join the Team

We are always looking for more writers to help us deliver timely information to the Fedora community. Here's how to join us:

If you'd like to contribute articles for the Fedora Magazine , please do the following:

1. Subscribe to the marketing list and introduce yourself.

2. If you don't already have an account for the Fedora Project, establish one at: Fedora Infrastructure: new accounts

3. Using the same username and password as your Fedora account, you'll be able to establish a new wiki account

4. Once you send out your introduction to the Marketing mailing list, a Magazine administrator will send you out a username and password to the email address your introduction came from.

5. Try to attend our weekly meetings, our meetings are held on Monday at 19:00 UTC. Come say hi to us we wont bite :)