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Fedora Events: Free Software Conference at Open Source Lab of Szeged, Hungary

The Free Software Conference (Hungarian: Szabad Szoftver Konferencia) is an one day event, celebrated after one month the world's Software Freedom Day at Szeged's IT Center - with a broad scope at users, beginners, developers, administrators and companies. It features huge amount of talks, presentations and workshops as well.

When and Where

  • The event date: 29. Nov. 2013
  • The event will be held from 9 AM till cca. 7 PM.
  • Opening ceremony is at approx. 9:15 AM.
  • OSOL Lab - Open Source Software Development Educational and IT Center University of Szeged.
  • Address: Ady square 10., 6722 Szeged [1]


  • It is confirmed that we could have free parking slot under the IT Center.

Booth Personal


We need:

  • Space
  • 2 meter short table
  • 2 chairs
  • Electricity
  • Fully equipped and prepared talk rooms (Projector, and so on)
  • Stand Up Roller + the usual SWAG


  • Catering: Will be included freely for speakers (Thanks to ULX, local hungarian JBOSS distributor)

Our Talks

  • Calling for papers has started
  • Our talks are submitted, but awaiting more
  • We have approx usually cca 20-25 minutes slots, so choose wisely the theme - time runs out quickly.
  • English is not a blocker, but hungarian is the preferred. But if you plan to make an talk else as Hungarian, do it in English. Most of the audience is talks english, as this University is an Open Source software development lab. So don't be affraid.

Free Software Conference - OSOL Szeged Official Poster [2]


  • Preparation ongoing
  • Slots schedule are not yet confirmed: all submissions can be change and re-scheduled.
  • You have register yourself if you would like to attend, or to be a talker - the event owner gladly help you to fill this gap.
  • They are flexible with timing, but they are asking to keep the your time inside the schedule. Because trying to reduce time loss with eg. screen setup, and keep talks flow as written.

Look for us if you are in Hungary, near to Szeged!


  • Current event report arrives soon.



  • Last year at 2011 was an great success, and we would like to continue the tradition.
  • In 2012 sadly were cancelled because of financial reasons by the organisers.