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Revision as of 03:45, 16 March 2014 by Drose (talk | contribs)


No remixes are supported by or affiliated with the Fedora Project, but the remixes listed in the "Current" category are those whose latest releases are based on Fedora releases which are currently supported by the Fedora Project (presently Fedora 20 & Fedora 19).

Name: Chapeau Latest release: 20.1 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86_64 Website: Description: "Chapeau is a ‘remixed’ build of the GNU/Linux distribution Fedora with a more relaxed approach to software licences. The result is a media-ready, cutting-edge operating system with built-in access to third-party software sources such as RPMFusion, Google Chrome, DropBox, Adobe Flash & Oracle VirtualBox."

Name: DeniX-OS Latest release: 20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86_64 Website: Description: "DeniX OS is a respin, that is based on the Fedora Linux operating system with packages from rpmfusion and other repositories. DeniX's respin main goal is to simplify the installation and setup. After DeniX installation you'll get a system with multimedia support, wide range of programs and applications that is not included in official Fedora installation media."

Name: GdNewHat Hatrack Latest release: 20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "GdNewHat Project aim to develop and distribute fully free system distribution based on free software community's accomplishments. We are always making an attempt to eliminate non-free components or replace them such as non-free firmware, driver, software and document with free one from our software repository and system distribution when possible."

Name: Korora Latest release: 20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Korora was born out of a desire to make Linux easier for new users, while still being useful for experts. Originally based on Gentoo Linux in 2005, Korora was re-born in 2010 as a Fedora Remix with tweaks and extras to make the system ‘just work’ out of the box."

Name: MontanaLinux Latest release: F20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: | Description: "MontanaLinux has all of the updates that were available on the build date and includes all of the desktop environments (GNOME, KDE, Xfce, LXDE, etc) and managers with KDE being the default. Also installed are a number of desktop applications (LibreOffice, GIMP, Inscape, Scribus, Dia, etc) as well as third-party stuff from rpmfusion (vlc, mplayer, etc) and the Adobe flash-plugin."

Name: Russian Fedora Remix (RFRemix) Latest release: 20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "На установочном диске RFRemix содержатся все необходимые кодеки, драйвера к видеокартам, а также большое количество дополнительного ПО (например, рабочие столы XFCE и LXDE), что сильно упрощает работу неподготовленного пользователя и экономит время специалистов." [The RFRemix installation disk contains all of the essential codecs, drivers for graphics cards, as well as a large amount of additional software (e.g. the Xfce and LXDE desktops), which greatly simplifies the task for an inexperienced user and saves experts time.]

Name: Network Security Toolkit (NST) Latest release: 20-5663 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "This bootable ISO live CD/DVD (NST Live) is based on Fedora. The toolkit was designed to provide easy access to best-of-breed Open Source Network Security Applications and should run on most x86/x86_64 platforms. The main intent of developing this toolkit was to provide the security professional and network administrator with a comprehensive set of Open Source Network Security Tools. The majority of tools published in the article: Top 125 Security Tools by INSECURE.ORG are available in the toolkit. An advanced Web User Interface (WUI) is provided for system/network administration, navigation, automation, network monitoring, host geolocation, network analysis and configuration of many network and security applications found within the NST distribution. In the virtual world, NST can be used as a network security analysis validation and monitoring tool on enterprise virtual servers hosting virtual machines."

Name: Ojuba Linux Latest release: 35 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "أعجوبة لينكس هي نظام تشغيل عربي للحواسيب الشخصية والخوادم مبني على توزيعة فيدورا لينكس ومتوافق معها مئة بالمئة." [Ojuba Linux is an Arabic operating system for personal computers and servers based on the Fedora Linux distribution and is compatible with it one hundred percent.]

Name: Open Xange Latest release: 2014.02 (x86_64 only, based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Xange is a Linux Operating System, based on Fedora, KDE and Open Source applications."

Name: SnowBird Linux Latest release: 20 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86_64 Website: Description: "SnowBird Linux has a mix of the best free and non free software to make it 'just work' out of the box. No need to fiddle with any repository and/or compile source packages."

Name: Viperr Latest release: 05 (based on Fedora 20) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Viperr aims to merge CrunchBang qualities with a Fedora® base benefits. So there is a lightweight, useful, simple, and original liveMEDIA, with brand new but stable software."

Name: Amahi Latest release: 7.1.1 (based on Fedora 19) Architecture: x86, x86_64 Website: | Description: "The Amahi Home Server makes your home networking simple. We like to call the Amahi servers HDAs, for "Home Digital Assistants." Each HDA delivers all the functionality you would want in a home server, while being as easy to use as a web browser."

Name: Fusion Linux Latest release: 19 (based on Fedora 19) Architecture: x86, x86_64 Website: | | |!forum/fusionlinux | Description: "Fusion Linux is a Fedora Remix that includes all the best software that is available for Linux. Fusion uses a most free and open-source but also few non-open-source packages that are necessary for modern and user friendly desktop."

Name: FX64 Linux Latest release: 19 (based on Fedora 19) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "FX64 Linux is a Fedora 19 based distro. Google Chrome, Java IcedTea, Adobe Flash Player, Skype & RAR preinstalled. Hand picked essential system, office, multimedia and internet applications. Updates directly from the official Fedora, RPM Fusion and Adobe repositories. Thousands of free applications for every need directly from the open source community. Clean, lean and feature rich FREE AS IN BEER experience!"

Name: Hanthana Latest release: 19.3 (x86 only, based on Fedora 19) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Hanthana is a Linux based operating system and a Fedora remix suitable for desktop and laptop users. Hanthana comes to you in the form of a LiveDVD for regular PC (i686 & x86_64 architectures) systems. You can run Hanthana Operating System directly from the LiveDVD and check out each and every feature before installing it on your hard disk."

Name: IGOS Nusantara (IGN) [Indonesia, Go Open Source!] Latest release: 9.1 (based on Fedora 19) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "IGOS Nusantara disingkat IGN adalah sistem operasi dengan perangkat lunak legal, handal dan tanpa membayar lisensi untuk pengguna di Indonesia. IGOS Nusantara dikembangkan oleh Pusat Penelitian Informatika Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia bersama dengan komunitas. IGOS Nusantara secara konsisten dikembangkan sejak tahun 2006. Setiap tahun dikeluarkan versi baru." [IGOS Nusantara, abbreviated IGN, is a reliable operating system with legal software, without paying a license for users in Indonesia. IGOS Nusantara is developed by the Research Center for Informatics, Indonesian Institute of Sciences along with the community. IGOS Nusantara has been consistently developed since 2006. A new version is released every year.]


Remixes included in this category are those whose latest releases are based on Fedora releases which have reached end-of-life (EOL) status; however, the respective remix providers might support these remix releases despite their upstream's EOL status.

Name: OLPC OS [One Laptop per Child] Latest release: 13.2.0 (based on Fedora 18) Architecture(s): x86, ARM Website: Description: "One Laptop per Child is a non-profit dedicated to improving the education of children all over the world."

Name: Parsidora Latest release: 18 (based on Fedora 18) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Parsidora is a GNU/Linux-based operating system that showcases the latest in free and open source software. Parsidora is based on Fedora (called a 'Fedora Remix') and tries to provide an improved user experience, providing many features out of the box which are not provided by Fedora for various reasons. Besides, it tries to provide a better solution for users without fast Internet connections. While being usable for everyone, it pays special attention to Persian users and their needs by providing tools and features geared towards them."

Name: Pidora Latest release: 18 (based on Fedora 18) Architecture(s): ARM Website: Description: "Pidora is a Linux software distribution for the Raspberry Pi computer. It contains software packages from the Fedora Project (specifically, the Fedora ARM secondary architecture project) compiled specifically for the ARMv6 architecture used on the Raspberry Pi, packages which have been specifically written for or modified for the Raspberry Pi, and software provided by the Raspberry Pi Foundation for device access."

Name: Berry Linux Latest release: 1.17 (based on Fedora 17) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "Berry Linux is a lightweight, lightning-fast operating system with good design and usability. It can boot from the CD-ROM / USB drive / USB-HDD / HDD. The strong points are to start quickly, to recognize much hardware automatically, and to be able to connected to the Internet. You can use the Internet safely because this operating system is little catching viruses. Including to play the DVD (kaffeine, xine, mplayer), you can enjoy music (audacious), pictures, and the image editing (GIMP, inkscape). Berry Linux lays emphasis on Japanese environment, various fonts and a good input engine. It aims at the next generation operating system and is using new technology. It is Fedora and a Chrome OS base."

Name: cosmogoniA Linux Latest release: 1.8.1 (based on Fedora 17) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "cosmogoniA is created with the intent to produce a version of 'Linux Live' INSTALLABLE Fedora based (for removable media: cdrom, dvd, usb) easy and complete of all kind of applications, several graphical user interfaces, even in multimedia ;)"

Name: IprediaOS Latest release: 1 (based on Fedora 17) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "IprediaOS is a fast, powerful and stable operating system based on Linux that provides an anonymous environment. All network traffic is automatically and transparently encrypted and anonymized."

Name: SuliX Professional Latest release: 7 [PB007] (based on Fedora 17) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "Modern, felhasználóbarát desktop operációs rendszer iskolába és otthonra egyaránt" [Modern, user-friendly desktop operating system for both school and home]

Name: VortexBox Latest release: 2.2 (based on Fedora 16) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "VortexBox is a free, open source (GPL v3), quick-install ISO that turns your unused computer into an easy-to-use music server/jukebox. Once VortexBox has been loaded on an unused PC, it will automatically rip CDs to FLAC and MP3 files, ID3 tag the files , and download the cover art. Vortexbox will then serve the files to network media players such as Logitech Squeezebox, Sonos, or Linn. The music files can also be streamed to a Windows or Mac OSX system."

Name: blag Latest release: 140000 (based on Fedora 14) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Blag is a 100% free GNU/Linux distribution, which means that it features only free (libre) software - in the live cd and in the repo - according to the Free Software Foundation definition."

Name: Ekaaty Current release: 5 (based on Fedora 14) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "The Ekaaty project is an free, robust, secure and friendly operative system developed with community participation. It's focused to provides brazilian user's specifics necessities and designed for optimized use of disc space and machine resources."

Name: Qubes OS Latest release: R1 (based on Fedora 13) Architecture(s): x86_64 Website: Description: "Qubes is an open-source operating system designed to provide strong security for desktop computing. Qubes is based on Xen, the X Window System, and Linux, and can run most Linux applications and utilize most of the Linux drivers."

Name: Guitar-ZyX Latest release: 0.5.0 (based on Fedora 12) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "Guitar-ZyX is a LiveDVD/USB operating system distribution, that can immediately boot both your Nintendo-DS, and your x86/64 PC, into a guitar pre-amp f/x processing appliance, complete with wireless dual screen touchpad remote control. You can even velcro or embed the NDS in your guitar if so inclined. In addition to switching among 77+ different f/x presets, the NDS remote control's touchscreen can also linearly control any two of about a hundred independent f/x parameters in real-time. I.e. a very cost effective TouchScreenWhammyPad."

Name: Mayur Linux Latest release: 0.5 (based on Fedora 12) Architecture(s): x86_64 Website: Description: "MayurLinux is a free, modern operating system based on LinuxPAE64. LinuxPAE64 kernel runs in compatibility mode in on x86_64 capable microprocessor. It allows kernel to support 64-bit applications and 32 bit device drivers in same operating system. Many devices such as WebCams provide only 32 bit device drivers. With MayurLinux you will not have to switch to 64 bit OS installed on your PC when you want to run 64 bit applications and 32 bit OS when you want to run a device for which only 32 bit device driver is available. MayurLinux will be able to run same device drivers which runs in 32 bit OS and allow you to run all applications which run on 64 bit OS."

Name: Open Discovery Latest release: V3 (based on Fedora 12) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "The Most Comprehensive Bioinformatics Linux Distro On the Planet"

Name: Noys Latest release: 0.8.0 (based on Fedora 10) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "Noys is an elegant GNU/Linux distribution created for Web Developers."

Name: ATmission Latest release: 2.0-01 (based on Fedora Core 4) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "The ATmission Live CD enables you to experiment with the Linux operating system and other open source software, without the requirement to install Linux on your PC. The ATmission Live CD contains the KDE desktop and Open Office, and a lot of other application programs."

Name: FTOSX Desktop [Future Technologies Operating System based on the Linux Kernel and the X Window System] Latest release: 2004 (based on Fedora Core 2) Architecture(s): x86 Website: Description: "The goal of the FTOSX Project is to work with the Linux community to build a complete, general-purpose operating system exclusively from open source software, but specially to be a Personal Operating System. Development will be done in a public forum. The project will produce time-based releases of FTOSX Desktop about 2-3 times a year, with a public release schedule."


Remixes included in this category have been discontinued and are listed for historical purposes only.

Name: Fuduntu Latest release: 2013.2 (based on Fedora 14) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: | (archived 20 April 2013 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "Fuduntu is a lighthearted and fun Linux distribution! Our goal is to provide an aesthetically pleasing user experience with up-to-date applications making Fuduntu a great fit for your desktop, laptop, or netbook."

Name: Omega Latest release: 14 (based on Fedora 14) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "Omega is a completely free and open source Linux based operating system. It is a installable Live image that includes comprehensive multimedia functionality out of the box. It is a Live image that can be optionally installed to your hard disk. Omega is 100% compatible with Fedora and a Fedora Remix only including packages from Fedora, RPM Fusion and Livna software repositories."

Name: MythDora Latest release: 12.23 (based on Fedora 12) Architecture(s): x86, x86_64 Website: Description: "MythDora is a Fedora and MythTV Linux Distribution that provides all the tools necessary to create a working MythTV based PVR system. MythDora is available in I386 & X86_64 architectures on both LiveCD and DVD formats."

Name: ADIOS [Automated Download and Installation of Operating Systems] Latest release: 8.0a (based on Fedora 8) Architecture(s): x86 Website: (archived 18 March 2012 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "Basically the ADIOS Linux CD is a subset of Fedora Core Linux with lots of extras software related to security and network management. The CD does not need to write to your hard drive so it is independent of your existing Operating System. By default it usually mounts all hard disc filesystems read-only. It allows users to use Linux compilers, office tools, networking utilities, virtual machines and entertainment software."

Name: G-ZyX Latest release: 0.5.004 (based on Fedora 7) Architecture(s): x86 Website: | (archived 24 July 2008 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "G-ZyX was released in 2007 as the first rebootlessly installing LiveCD distribution." [Superseded by Guitar-ZyX]

Name: Aurox Latest release: 12.0 (based on Fedora Core 5) Architecture(s): x86 Website: (archived 16 October 2007 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "Aurox is a Polish-coordinated linux distribution based on Fedora core. Aurox is commercial (Aurox Server and Aurox Workstation) and a community, opensource (Aurox Community) product free to dowload (from the project pages) and install for any usage."

Name: Latest release: 3.1.2 (based on Aurox 12.0 / Fedora Core 5) Architecture(s): x86 Website: (archived 11 November 2007 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "Since the second issue onwards our magazine contains - a bootable distribution containing all the tools and materials needed for practising methods and techniques described in our articles."

Name: FoX Desktop [[b]F[/b]lexible [b]O[/b]perating System - Based on Linu[b]X[/b] Fedora™ Core] Latest release: 1 (based on Fedora Core 4) Architecture(s): x86 Website: (archived 5 October 2008 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "FoX Desktop in fact is adapted to all those who uses the PC to navigate in internet, use programmes, and for chatting..."

Name: Cobind Desktop Latest release: 0.2beta386fix (based on Fedora Core 1) Architecture(s): x86 Website: (archived 3 February 2006 at the Wayback Machine) | (archived 3 March 2006 at the Wayback Machine) Description: "Based on Fedora Core Linux, Cobind Desktop marries Xfce and Nautilus into a cohesive desktop experience featuring Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Thunderbird. Simple, fast, and familiar, it is the Linux desktop experience built with the typical user in mind. Cobind Desktop is available on CD-ROM."