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FAmSCo Meeting Minutes: 2006-08-21

Meeting Time


Meeting Summary

(19:12:18) mspevack_hm: So, our initial 6 months budget is up at the end of August
(19:12:28) mspevack_hm: I am a bit overdue in posting the latest numbers to the page
(19:12:44) mspevack_hm: mainly because I need to get all the expenses that Jack has accrued the past month or so (OSCON, Linuxworld, etc) from him
(19:13:10) mspevack_hm: We should expect that we have a similar budget as last six months for the next six months
(19:13:33) mspevack_hm: in terms of FAMSCO-related activities
(19:16:07) mspevack_hm: my recommendation for the next while
(19:16:11) mspevack_hm: is that we continue to be smart
(19:16:18) mspevack_hm: but we should ratchet up our spending a little bit for fc6
(19:16:26) mspevack_hm: and also keep in mind that we'll be doing more event-type stuff
(19:16:30) mspevack_hm: which will cost a lot more
(19:16:47) mspevack_hm: this is why we have one single budget for all of Fedora, but the Ambassadors stuff in a sub-section of it
(19:17:55) mspevack_hm: keep in mind, we didn't have a FUDCon since Boston
(19:18:00) mspevack_hm: and we thought we would
(19:18:04) mspevack_hm: reasons why we didn't:
(19:18:11) mspevack_hm: 1) it didn't get organized
(19:18:14) barz: I truly lack planning, sitting together to talk how we'1ll be spending money, what sorta actions we'll do in the next
months. It is still all ad-hoc
(19:18:23) mspevack_hm: 2) we didn't have our stuff together in terms of CONCRETELY what we wanted
(19:18:29) mspevack_hm: out of a FUDCon to justify all the time/cost in organizing it
(19:18:33) mspevack_hm: so that's money that didn't really get spent
(19:18:48) mspevack_hm: it didn't get spent because I'd rather NOT SPEND IT than spend it *poorly*
(19:19:23) mspevack_hm: FUDCon could be an entirely different topic for another time
(19:19:28) mspevack_hm: but that's the main reason why we have a surplus
  • New Action Item
(20:12:40) mspevack_hm: i think we need to have a discussion among various leaders of subprojects about motivation, recognition, etc. There's stuff here for all of Fedora to learn, not just Ambassadors
(20:17:46) lxmaier: MaxSpevack and PawelSadowski will figure out the payment method.
(20:19:20) lxmaier: haven't heard about this one in a while. presumed dead. i will remind rahul.
(20:20:03) lxmaier: this one went MIA as well, and i will ping rahul about this one too.
(20:20:49) lxmaier: we need to draft a policy, and rahul committed to producing a draft by august. we have august now. if rahul will not
produce the draft, we still need one.
  • Schwag guidelines, owners: MaxSpevack (w/ JackAboutboul )
(20:30:31) mspevack_hm: JackAboutboul is in town in Raleigh this week. He and I are finishing that stuff up over the next few days.  Update at the next meeting, so I'll change the due date from 2006-08-31 to 2006-09-04

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