From Fedora Project Wiki

FAD Design Team 2015

Meeting plan, bi-weekly

  • roll call
  • status trac design
    • what can be beginner task?
  • status trac badges
  • design bounty
  • introducion newcomer
  • open floor

Release start meeting - after a new release

  • roll call
  • release schedule,status wiki pages, trac tickets, design-team.fp.o
    • is schedule right?
  • idea brainstorm
  • task distribution

osm plans

  • gpsbabel-gui
  • gpsbabel
  • josm
  • josm-javadoc
  • merkaartor
  • osm-gps-map
  • osm2pgsql
  • osm-gps-map
  • readosm
  • routino
  • jmapviewer
  • osm-gps-map-devel
  • python-osmgpsmap
  • readosm-devel
  • Viking
  • foxtrotgps
  • mkgmap Creates maps for Garmin GPS devices using OSM data
  • Navit Navit is open-source car navigation software capable of using OSM data.
  • Brigantine This program can visualize (panning, zooming, reprojection on the fly) and copy geometry and raster data that stored in databases
  • JTileDownloader is a Java application for downloading OSM tiles. You can paste a 'Permlink' to the application, select a radius in km and zoomlevel, select a renderer and download the tiles.
  • Osmolt is a Java Program to create easily individual, interactive Maps with OpenStreetMapas and OpenLayers