From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 01:05, 11 July 2008 by Sonarguy (talk | contribs)

This page is a draft only
It is still under construction and content may change. Do not rely on the information on this page.

What is IRC and How to configure IRC

  1. What is IRC and What channels are Available?
  2. How to Install X-Chat
  3. What is the difference between NickServ Passoword and Server Password in X-Chat?
  4. What are the Basic IRC commands?
  5. How to create a Fedora IRC cloak for the Freenode Network
  6. How to join and IRC meeting
  7. What is the proper Protocol for Fedora IRC Meetings?

IRC Code of Conduct

  1. Fedora Participants Code of Conduct - These guidelines apply to the conduct users who are seeking information/support or are looking to participate in Fedoras IRC channels.
  2. Fedora Helpers Code of Conduct - These guidelines apply to the conduct of the #fedora channel helpers.
  3. Fedora Operators Code of Conduct - These guidelines apply to the conduct of the #fedora channel operators.

General IRC Etiquette

  1. General IRC Etiquette - These are general guidelines for using the Fedora IRC Channels.