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Revision as of 22:06, 19 October 2014 by Nishantsingh (talk | contribs)
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Phone: +91-87661469016
Hi my name is Nishant. I am an entrepreneur.I completed my computer engineering from India.Design and coding new projects is my passion. Web development and android application development is my core field of interest. I have contributed to many opensource projects of Mozilla and willing to contribute for more Open source projects.
About Fedora: I Know fedora OS Since 2010. I used it once and after that i left using Microsoft windows. Initially user experience of Fedora was not very easy to use for common people but day by day Fedora team is changing things for more user. And the Result is in front of all, nowadays not only students and research organizations but common people use this for business and personal use.
What Can I Do : I can contribute in many ways - I can contribute in codes of fedora. I have passion of learning new Programming languages. - I can help in Localizing Fedora in Hindi and other Indian Languages. - I can help in marketing and representing Fedora in common people and Educational Institutes.

Nishant Singh