From Fedora Project Wiki
🔗 Move To Zanata Schedule Plan
2014-07-16 | Stage 0 Test Instance Available |
2014-08-26 | Voting for Go or No-Go start |
2014-10-01 | Stage 0 End |
2014-10-07 | Voting for Go or No-Go end |
2014-10-14 | Software Translation Deadline |
2014-10-21 | Stage 1 fedora.zanata instance Available |
2014-November | Languages, Projects&Versions and Groups added |
2014-November | All translators create new account |
2014-12-02 | Fedora 21 Final Release |
2014-December | Translation data migration started |
2015-January | Accepting translation at Transifex blocked |
2015-February | Translation data migration completed |
All projects at Transifex deleted | |
2015-03-01 | Ready for F22 |
TBA | Stage 1 End |
🔗 Migration Phase
🔗 Stage 0
Test Instance on Openshift
Period: 4 weeks (2014-07-17 to 2014-10-01)
- This is trial run. Log in with FAS account and create new zanata account, and play.
- Obtain admin access by asking current admin, and construct the interface and find any missing parts.
- File a bug for any history data you want to retain or any feature you want to add. Click Bugzilla template.
- Any unexpected behaviour or test data addition request, contact zanata team via zanata-usrs ML or #zanata channel on Freenode.
- Contact Docs team asking for help 2014-08-19
- Contact Websites team asking for help 2014-08-19
- Contact FESCO asking for help ticket 1334
- Go or No-Go
Go | Polish, Spanish, Simplified Chinese, Gujarati, Kannada, Punjabi, Marathi, Traditional Chinese, Hindi, Brazilian Portuguese, Ukrainian, German, Japanese, Hungarian, Denmark, Italian, Bulgarian, Bodo, Assamese, French, Basque, Angika |
No-Go |
🔗 Stage 1 (FAS only instance)
Period: 2014-10-16 to 2015-03-01
- This will be constructed based on the test instance, and contain only essential items (aka source and translation), no history data is imported.
- Groups 'main', 'upstream', 'docs' and 'websites' to be created by FLP.
- First every language coordinator creates new account and become your team coordinator.
- Second the coordinators will help and approve other translators to join. There is no auto or transparent migration.
- All bugs filed are evaluated for implementation during this stage.
- All projects complete migration to this new instance.
🔗 Stage 2 (FAS only instance)
Period: n/a
- History data and features requested (and approved) will be migrated.
🔗 Languages to Migrate
Languages to migrate are listed at languages to migrate page.
🔗 Packages to Migrate
- Software packages to migrate are listed at software packages to migrate page.
- Docs books to migrate are listed at Docs books to migrate page.
- Web sites to migrate are listed at Websites to migrate page.
🔗 Concerns
🔗 Infra at lists
- Tx moved to proprietary. Our main concern we build fedora with FLOSS/FOSS by using FOSS tools. Move to alternate is supported.
- Two alternates raised: zanata (there are supporters) & Translatewiki (no particular supporter)
- Need developers agreement
- Instance (existing zanata instance or fedora infra to create new?)
🔗 trans at lists
- How to migrate existing teams, members and coordinators smoother
- How to separate existing language teams which are independent from FLP
- How zanata deal with translators' credits
- Integration with FAS, ML, Badges and wiki
- Integration with FAS: sign Fedora Project Contributor Agreement
- How hard would be the migration
- Email notification
- F21 schedule
- Pseudo-tree view of projects, whereas in Zanata, we end up with just a
list of projects, where it becomes difficult to find a particular project.
- Explicitly include in the schedule the concept of a parallel run. That is, a small slice of time when the
Zanata instance will mirror everything that Transifex has.
- Communication channel for Move