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🔗 Subhodip Biswas
See my blog |
🔗 About Me
I reside at Durgapur , West Bengal ,India .
My introduction to linux world is through fedora 3 some two years back.
I am an active volunteer of linux user's group of Durgapur (dgplug) . I am also a member of ilug-cal
As a part of dgplug, i along with my friends helped Bijra high school to implement LTSP running in fedora 7.
🔗 Contact
- Email: [[MailTo(subhodipbiswas AT gmail DOT com)] or [[MailTo(440volt.tux@gmail DOT com)] or
[[MailTo(subhodip AT fedoraproject DOT org)]
- IRC: My general hangouts are #fedora-devel , #fedora-india , #dgplug , #ilug-cal as tux_440volt
- GPG key: To Import my gpg key
$gpg --keyserver --recv-key FAEA34AB
- Fedora Account: My Username for fedora account is subhodip
🔗 Activities within Fedora
- i am also a fedora packager maintainer .