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Revision as of 20:25, 14 April 2015 by Crobinso (talk | contribs) (Link to eject bug)


Change ISO media for a running guest.


Functioning virt host and VM. All VM OS welcome.

How to test

Ejecting CDROM media 'tray locked' error, but succeeds on the second attempt
See bug 1211761

Add an empty CDROM device

If the guest does not have a CDROM device attached to it, add one:

  • Open virt-manager. Start with a shutoff VM.
  • Details->Add Hardware->Storage
  • Select 'Select managed or existing storage' but leave the text field blank. This creates a CDROM device with no media attached.
  • Select Device type: IDE CDROM
  • Select Finish

Change media in virt-manager

  • Start the VM. Log in to the desktop environment.
  • In virt-manager, select the CDROM device in the Details window.
  • Click 'Connect'. Specify ISO media of your choice. Click 'OK'.
  • Verify that the media is accessible in the guest.
  • In virt-manager, click 'Disconnect'.
  • Verify the media is no longer present in the guest.

Change media with virsh

  • With the guest still running as above, stay connected to the guest with virt-manager
  • In a terminal, insert media to the cdrom: sudo virsh change-media test-day-vm hda /path/to/my.iso
  • Verify the media is usable in the guest
  • Eject the media: sudo virsh change-media test-day-vm hda --eject
  • Verify the media is no longer present in the guest.

Expected Results

No obvious errors occur.