From Fedora Project Wiki

This is the main page for Packaging FAD China 2015, which is a FAD focused on Packaging.

🔗 Purpose

  1. Our purpose is to complete with the following primary goals:
    • teach more people why and how to package (for Fedora especially)
    • attract interested people to Fedora packaging group
    • promote FZUG Copr repo
  2. In addition, we will attempt to complete the following secondary goals as time allows:
    • add more packages to Fedora repos
    • increase collaboration with SHLUG
    • promote Fedora in Shanghai

🔗 Impact

The completion of these goals will create the following positive change within the project:

  • more packaging contributors
  • more packages in software repos

🔗 Planning Prerequisites

  • Initial contact with local community in Shanghai
  • Work out budget
  • Decide on Dates and Location
  • Arrange Facilities
  • List Resources
  • Be Somewhat Structured
  • Arrange Lodging
  • Arrange Refreshments
  • Arrange a Social Event

🔗 Plan

  1. Location: Shanghai
  2. Date: May 23 (Sat)
  3. Schedule
    • Participants arrive in the afternoon
    • Registration & Opening address?
    • lectures
    • workshop / hackfest
    • dinner
    • Participants leave at night
  4. Important skills (one or more)
    • packaging
    • presentation
    • teamwork
  5. Personnel (people who might fit the bill)
    • Robin Lee (Shenzhen, packager) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • Robber Phex (Shanghai, event owner) Confirmed
    • Zhenbo Li (Shanghai, organizer) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • Zamir SUN (Beijing, coordinator?) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • Alick Zhao (Beijing, coordinator) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • Ray (Tianjin, marketing?) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • Mosquito (Beijing, Infra?) Confirmed? (Y/N)
    • others?
  6. Other considerations
    • Contributor Snoopy is allergic to peanuts.

🔗 Logistics

Snacks/Beverages: Details go here.

Lunch: A simple lunch should serve.

Dinner: A nice dinner is necessary.

🔗 Schedule

🔗 Participants

Name Email Remote? Onsite Registered? Note
Foo Bar foo at Y leave blank before event sample

🔗 Budget

Contributor Dept Arrv Dept Arrv Cost
Robin Lee Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival 1000 CNY
Alick Zhao Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival 850 CNY
Ray Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival 850 CNY
Zamir SUN Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival 850 CNY
Mosquito Travel to FAD, departure Travel to FAD, arrival Travel from FAD, departure Travel from FAD, arrival 850 CNY
  1. Travel: $600 for airfare, bus, train, etc. funding needed to get four distant attendees to the FAD
  2. Housing: $150 for hotel, etc. needed to have attendees sleep during the FAD
    • link to hotel room booking website, if applicable
  3. Space: $0 for renting space to hack in
  4. Food & Drinks:
    • Drink 12 * 30 = 360 Yuan = 60 USD
    • Food(Pizza) 30 * 30 = 900 Yuan = 150 USD
  5. Supplies: $100 for anything else you may need
    • Sticker ​2 * 40 = 80 Yuan = 13 USD
    • Rollup 2 * 25 = 50 Yuan = 8USD
    • Poster 2 * 10 = 20 Yuan = 3USD
    • item

Total budget: $600+150+0+60+150+13+8+3=$984