From Fedora Project Wiki

Revision as of 08:45, 28 July 2008 by Mspevack (talk | contribs)

🔗 Community Architecture

Fedora must expand and build its global presence, providing the community complement to Red Hat's enterprise brand. This is the charter of the Community Architecture team.

We are here to be your catalysts and your helpers, working with current Fedora projects and SIGs as we grow our community worldwide.

Internal to Red Hat, we are accountable to the VP Corporate Marketing, and our job is to define and execute the company's global community development strategy. Within the Fedora space, we are accountable to the Fedora Board and the Fedora Project Leader.

🔗 Meetings

Meeting schedules and summaries can be found here. Meetings are held via phone.

🔗 Goals

We have a variety of goals and responsibilities.

🔗 Budget and expenses

Our budget and expenses for the current year.

Also, information on how to change the cost center of expense reports.

🔗 Presentations

Various presentations, talks, and papers that our team has prepared.

🔗 Leads & Key Projects

We generate a number of leads who are interested in working more closely with us.

There are a number of key projects that we keep an eye on.

🔗 Other

Random ideas that we don't want to forget.