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SEMODULE(8)                           NSA                          SEMODULE(8)

semodule - Manage SELinux policy modules.

semodule [options] ... MODE [MODES] ...

semodule  is  the tool used to manage SELinux policy modules, including
installing, upgrading, listing and removing modules.  semodule may also
be  used  to  force a rebuild of policy from the module store and/or to
force a reload of policy  without  performing  any  other  transaction.
semodule  acts on module packages created by semodule_package.  Conven-
tionally, these files have a .pp suffix (policy package), although this
is not mandated in any way.

-R, --reload
force a reload of policy

-B, --build
force a rebuild of policy (also reloads unless -n is used)

install/replace a module package

upgrade an existing module package

install/replace base module package

remove existing module

display list of installed modules (other than base)

name of the store to operate on

do not reload policy after commit

prints help message and quit

be verbose

$ semodule -b base.pp
$ semodule -i httpd.pp
$ semodule -l

checkmodule(8), semodule_package(8) (8),

This manual page was written by Dan Walsh <>.
The program was written by Karl MacMillan <>, Joshua Brindle <>, Jason Tang <>

Security Enhanced Linux            Nov 2005                        SEMODULE(8)