From Fedora Project Wiki

🔗 North American Ambassadors

🔗 Meeting Times

North American ambassadors meet on, #fedora-meeting, every Tuesday at 9pm Eastern US time.

🔗 Assigned Tasks

Task Name Owner Priority Target Date Status/Notes
Contacting local NA ambassadors DavidNalley, ClintSavage, JohnRose 1 update on 8/5 The goal is to get a good current list of who's active and who isn't. We will mark those who respond as "active" and inactive members will be removed / "retired" in 60 days.
Toolkit/EventBox ClintSavage, DavidNalley, JohnRose, RashadulIslam 2 update on 7/29 talks, parties, installfests, etc need to be created and made available for ambassadors in NA
Event kit transfer policy ClintSavage 1 update on 8/5 We need to document the policy for moving banners, etc. from event to event.
Move CDs to on-disk
Discuss with FAMSCo
JeffreyTadlock 1 update on 7/29 FAMSCo buy-in is necessary to obtain this capability to
simplify ordering of Fedora CDs within the budget

🔗 Completed Tasks

Task Name Owner Priority Target Date Status/Notes
Create the tasks page for NA Ambassadors GregDeKoenigsberg 1 7/21 Look! I d00d it!
Ambassador polos for NA PascalCalarco 1 7/14 15 polos ordered for 11 NA Ambassadors; delivery should be complete 7/22