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Introduction to Portingdb

This documentation is in an early stage of development

The Portingdb is part of the effort to port Fedora to Python3. the project is hosted on Github portingdb by the Fedora Python Maintenance Team.

The Portingdb was introduced to the community at large in this Fedora Magazine article Help port Python packages to Python 3 on November 13, 2015.

The Portingdb is itself in Python and requires several dependencies listed in the source.

Limiting the scope of this article

The following is an incomplete list of considerations relevant to the Portingdb and the Fedora porting effort mentioned out of kindness to the reader.

  • The life cycle of Python has included significant advancements in the language allowing it to remain relevant while the ethos of software engineering has matured. Details of the Python language throughout these stages of development are well documented at the Python Web Site.
  • Configuration Management is an exhaustive topic.