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fabian_a Welcome everybody. Let's have the Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA
spevack hi fabian
spevack MaxSpevack is here, obviously
merouen hi evrybody
* fabian_a looking around to find some European ambassadors
* red_alert waves
* glezos says hi
fabian_a ping fcrippa, fugolini, kanarip, kital
spevack kanarip, kital, ping
fugolini i'm here
* fcrippa says hello to all!
fcrippa pong
* lfoppiano is ready too :)
* kanarip ping
kital pong
kanarip oops, pong i meant
fabian_a ok guys, please state your wiki name (aka roll call)
kital JoergSimon
red_alert SandroMathys
fugolini FrancescoUgolini
fabian_a for the record :-)
glezos DimitrisGlezos
kanarip JeroenVanMeeuwen
fabian_a FabianAffolter
fcrippa FrancescoCrippa
lfoppiano LucaFoppiano
viking-ice JohannBenediktGudmundsson
merouen BalloutMerouen
spevack MaxSpevack
fabian_a Just a reminder. We'll still follow our meeting protocol to make this meeting quick and efficient.
fabian_a Now, please open our meeting page at for the agenda
merouen ?
fabian_a merouen,
merouen Hello all, i am new here
merouen eof
viking-ice as am I..
fabian_a welcome to your first meeting
viking-ice thanks..
viking-ice glad to be here
fabian_a we'll start with the report current status of FAmSCo
fabian_a Release events
fugolini !
fabian_a fugolini,
fugolini Hi, i'm here today to talk about this important issue
fugolini i want to invite everyone to make something for the F9 release event
fugolini *release
fugolini just take a look at this mail from Jeffrey:
fugolini Release Events are important because they are the final piece of
fugolini a long and hard development process
fugolini I know this year we announced it late but i hope you could create something
fugolini that's all
fugolini Talk with the other EMEA ambassadors and try to organize all together
fugolini thank you
fugolini eof
fabian_a thanks, fugolini
fabian_a Clean-up the Ambassadors parts on the wiki
fabian_a We deleted a lot of obsolete pages but there are still many pages left. This pages needs some work on them.
fabian_a Check Ambassadors/SteeringCommittee/CleanUpPages if you are able to help us improve our part in the fedora wiki
fabian_a BTW, soon we will migrate to mediawiki. The test instance is available at
spevack Impact of the Migration on Ambassadors should be minimal
fabian_a If you have experience with mediawiki, especially with the migration from moinmoin to mediawiki, Fedora Infrastructure will be very pleasant to hear from you
fugolini !
fabian_a fugolini,
fugolini i forget to send the email to Ambs list
fugolini i just send a copy of the announcement in Famsco list, i will do it now!
fugolini eof
GeroldKa !
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa sorry for beeing late, many, many problems by my primary duty
GeroldKa my employer
GeroldKa eof
diaa !
fabian_a diaa,
diaa Hi, I have missed the wiki name part, my wiki name is DiaaRadwan.
spevack GeroldKa: it's no problem, everyone here except for me is a volunteer, and we all understand that your primary job has many important commitments
diaa we will have fedora day on one of the largest universities on Egypt.
diaa sorry for the overlap :)
spevack diaa: did you get the stuff out of Customs?
diaa No, hopefully I will get it tomorrow.
fabian_a something else before we move on
spevack will they require you to pay a lot of money?
* spevack sent Diaa a bunch of Swag to support Fedora Day in Egypt
fabian_a If you would like to have a Fedora Ambassador Polo Shirt and you will attend LinuxTag.
diaa I think it is not related to money, I think it's about content. they have to look on cds.
spevack diaa: they will not find anything too exciting :)... ok, sorry to interrupt you fabian_a, go ahead
diaa fabian_a: I think it will be hard to get the polo shirt.
fabian_a You have 2 days left to place your order at Ambassadors/PoloShirt
fabian_a next topic...
fabian_a Report current status of Ambassadors Membership
diaa I want to give you outline on the sessions
diaa First session will be FOSS and history of GNU/Linux, fedora, benefits and how to contribute. second one would be either preparing development environment on fedora based server or shell scripting session.
diaa is there any ideas?
diaa EOF
fabian_a events are on your list, later
fabian_a Ambassadors Membership
fabian_a As of 2008-04-14, 352 Ambassadors have been verified (signed CLA and joined 'ambassadors' group)
fabian_a The Ambassadors statistics page ( ) will be updated soon with more accurate numbers :-).
fabian_a So far I have no time to do it.
fabian_a Everybody, please check your personal wiki page if all data are up-to-date.
fabian_a We have several Ambassadors with invalid email addresses and some who still have there addresses on the wiki.
fabian_a Please verifiy also if your CategoryAmbassadors(+Country) entry is still right (with my new script I'm working with this information).
fabian_a BTW, I'm looking for some help to improve this script.
fabian_a I will use it as long that we have no better option to generate some statistics through FAS2
fabian_a any input about that?
fcrippa !
fabian_a fcrippa,
fcrippa fabian, I've made some improvements to "stats" script
fcrippa it runs also for "EditGroup" page
fcrippa ..or other "group" pages
fabian_a thanks fcrippa, for this details
fcrippa and I've also made a small project based on turbogear to put charts online automatically
fcrippa if there is some one interesting to continue develop (with me, and - I hope- Fabian), let' go :-)
fcrippa (I'll put code online soon)
fcrippa eof
fabian_a i guess that we are done with this for today, next events
fabian_a Report current status of Fedora Events (passed & upcoming)
fabian_a Please open Fedora Events
fabian_a we will start with the past events
fabian_a as far as I remember...OpenExpo
fabian_a Check the collection for details about this event
fabian_a FOSSComm Greece
fabian_a glezos?
* fugolini has to leave
glezos yup
fugolini see ya
glezos the event was great, my talk attracted a lot of people
glezos mostly FOSS contributors, not new users
glezos we handed out 200 CDs sent by RHT in Germany.
glezos and recruited 2 Google Summer of Codes for L10n/Transifex.
glezos very satisfied.
glezos eof
fabian_a thanks, glezos
fabian_a about Notacon is a report available too ->
glezos blog post in Greek:
glezos and album: (now I'm EOF, honestly.)
fabian_a glezos, most people in Europe can speak Greek fluently ;-)
fabian_a Future events
glezos they do?!
fabian_a Grazer Linuxtage
fabian_a I guess that there is no attendance
fabian_a Fedora day, Cairo
fabian_a diaa?
diaa Max shipped me swag, I didn't get them yet it's on the customs, hopefully I will get it tomorrow.
spevack !
spevack (after diaa is finished)
diaa This the first event I co-organize as fedora ambassador. First session will be FOSS and history of GNU/Linux, fedora, benefits and how to contribute. second one would be either preparing development environment on fedora based server or shell scripting session.
diaa the expected attendees are 90 on the first one and 40 on the second.
diaa unfortunately, the event is before the release of 9.
diaa any ideas ? ,EOF
fabian_a anybody? otherwise spevack
spevack diaa: I will send you a presentation that serves as a great "introduction to fedora"
spevack diaa: and you can adapt or change it for any needs you like.
spevack fabian_a: I wanted to talk about the FedoraEvents page a little bit
spevack There are 3 events currently listed for EMEA with no owner
fabian_a spevack, sure
lfoppiano !
spevack Grazer LinuxTag
spevack Linuxdays in Geneva
spevack and OpenSource Expo
fabian_a Linuxdays Geneve, very short: no attendance
spevack ok, we can remove that one
spevack what about the other two? Either way is fine, I just am curious to know.
kital !
fabian_a kital,
spevack ! (one more thing for later)
GeroldKa !
kital OpenSource Expo is not far for me but it is just before linuxtag
spevack My feeling is that OpenSource expo is not important with LinuxTag just a few days later
spevack we should focus all our effort on LinuxTag
kital ok
kital eof
fabian_a spevack, then GeroldKa
lfoppiano !
spevack i will be quick, then lfoppiano and GeroldKa
spevack The call for papers for Froscon is open
spevack I am going to submit a talk
spevack and plan to attend the show, if it is accepted
spevack EOF
GeroldKa imho we're to less Ambassadors to handle every event and we have to less money for covering all this things and another issue is that we have no support by Red Hat right now, but for sure ...
lfoppiano !
GeroldKa Max if you're here more things will be also easier for us to handle and cover
GeroldKa and btw.
kanarip !
GeroldKa Froscon is an event which we cover (not myself because it is always in my holidays) mostly
GeroldKa they will be happy to have your talk, for sure
GeroldKa eof
fabian_a lfoppiano, sorry now it's your turn, then kanarip
lfoppiano just 2 word about italian events
lfoppiano *words
lfoppiano it will be saturdary, our best news is first automatic fedora live usb key
lfoppiano creatior
spevack GeroldKa: we have more support now more than ever, and it will be my job to give EMEA the proper support that it needs. My date for moving to Europe is May 19th. :)
lfoppiano we will do a talk on fedora community (speaker will be fcrippa)
lfoppiano and we expect to meet more than 100 people (I hope)
fabian_a lfoppiano is talking about liberaMENTE
lfoppiano oh, yes sorry
lfoppiano I forgot to tell you
lfoppiano (I'm little scared, it's my first ambassador meeeting:P)
spevack i'm sure you will be great :)
lfoppiano thanks :) if you have some question...or suggestion ;-)
* fcrippa is sure too
lfoppiano eof
fabian_a kanarip,
kanarip spevack, I'll work some more on the abstract I'm submitting for LinuxTag, and maybe submit the same talk for FrOSCon ;-)
kanarip EOF
fabian_a ok, now LinuxTag Berlin
fabian_a We have 21 attendees and a place to sleep. But there is still a lot of work left.
GeroldKa !
spevack kanarip: that's my plan too :)
fabian_a We are "hiring" people for the booth setup : Add yourself to the list
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa booth-size
GeroldKa at the moment I got a call and the information that we will get 16 sqm and because of Red Hat pays a little bit, our booth will be raised up to max. 20 sqm.
GeroldKa I will have a meting with the Linuxtag projects board on 2008-04-26 (also) to discuss that point. But there are only 450 sqm for more than 75 free projects and we will get one of the biggest size :-(
GeroldKa Because of that issue I decided to cancel the troubleshooting contest (because he's not ready right now) and we try to keep our focus on the gadget with "get your USB stick filled here"
GeroldKa FUDCon
GeroldKa I have still no answer from Jens working on that issue but heared from Florian that he's working on that issue; late but he seems working on that
GeroldKa and he will give us an smaller overview after me :-)
GeroldKa SWAG
GeroldKa - we found a place where to ship our goods from elsewhere in this world
GeroldKa - we order the Fedora Ambassadors Polo next week on Tuesday and the other things in a gremium of JoergSimon, SandroMathys, FabianAffolter and me!
GeroldKa more can be seen in the wiki at
rivrandir !
GeroldKa eof
kanarip spevack, shartsuiker and myself will be arriving 15-16 PM (-ish), that's too late for the booth setup i presume?
fabian_a rivrandir,
rivrandir I'm now working at the Fudcon. I had no time to do it earlier. We still need more talks.
fabian_a kanarip, that's too late. Go directly to the hotel bar and drink some beer
kanarip ;-)
glezos !
kital ?
rivrandir I'm looking for some more speaker, see mail at mailinglist.
rivrandir EOF
fabian_a thanks, rivrandir
fabian_a glezos,
glezos I'd like to kindly request for consideration of common activities of us folks as well who won't be staying at the hotel. :-)
glezos ie. go-outs, meetings/discussions, dinners, etc, as well as for needed tasks, etc.
GeroldKa ! (directly to glezos)
glezos collecting mobile phone numbers will probably help in this aspect
glezos eof.
fabian_a GeroldKa first, then kital
GeroldKa you're at the moment the only person who'll not stay with us in the same hotel, but no fear we will inform you as well and keep you in "our family"
GeroldKa eof
kanarip glezos, /me is +31642801403
kanarip there you go, that's solved
kanarip ;-)
fabian_a kital,
kital rivrandir there are 7 speakers on how many slots we have?
GeroldKa seven :-)
rivrandir kital: 7 when did you count?
kital on wiki
kital not filled in the slots
kital but with dimitriz i count 7
kital eof
rivrandir Yes, but I did not yet got confirmation from Thibault. and two speaker cancelt today :-(
rivrandir of
rivrandir eof
kital i can confirm thibault
kital eof
rivrandir kital: OK, noted
GeroldKa !
fabian_a anything else about LinuxTag, FUDCon at LinuxTag, or the FAD before LinuxTag?
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa rivrandir, be aware that these things MUST be filled asap in the vcc of Linuxtag
GeroldKa or we get the same "shit" as last year
rivrandir GeroldKa: I know
GeroldKa NO Fedora related speaker in the official paperwork
GeroldKa eof
rivrandir !
fabian_a rivrandir,
rivrandir I'm looking especially for a speaker about FreeIPA or cobbler.
spevack rivrandir: i might be able to give a talk about cobbler.. let me talk to michael dehaan, who is the primary developer, and see if he has some slides i can borrow
rivrandir eof
fabian_a Is there anyone who would like to discuss stuff about another up-coming event ?
rivrandir spevack: sounds good mail me please
fabian_a Status of the NPO
GeroldKa !
fabian_a aka Fedora EMEA
fabian_a GeroldKa,
GeroldKa also waiting for official confirmation
GeroldKa they register court complained a part
GeroldKa the board decides and the next day it was there
GeroldKa I believe the registration will be fullfilled within the next days
GeroldKa eof
fabian_a thanks, GeroldKa
fabian_a Now the floor is open...
fabian_a Fedora Live stick creation, anything else about that issue?
kanarip is it an issue?
GeroldKa !
viking-ice so far
fabian_a GeroldKa,
viking-ice tested it did not work
GeroldKa who takes care of that point at Linuxtag?
kanarip GeroldKa, we have an open floor ;-)
GeroldKa blupp
viking-ice have not heard anything from jeremy yet..
kanarip i can
kanarip and i'll order StefanHartsuiker to pay some attention to it as well
kanarip ;-)
kanarip s/order/ask/
GeroldKa ok
GeroldKa but it's the same kanarip
GeroldKa oh one important point for Linuxtag
kanarip still the same kanarip, yeah
GeroldKa we will have two female persons at the booth
fabian_a I guess that we are done. Any more questions or issues before we close this meeting?
kanarip rivrandir, what is the timeframe for a talk?
kanarip an hour or so?
rivrandir kanarip: 1 hour, aka 45Minutes talk plus 15 minutes QA
kanarip right
* kanarip continues to work on the abstract
rivrandir kanarip: I only need 3-10 lines. For the FundCON
fabian_a Fedora Ambassadors Meeting EMEA 2008-04-16 has been adjourned. Next meeting in May 2008.
rivrandir FudCon
kanarip rivrandir, you'll get them while it is still Wednesday
kanarip within 40 minutes, that is
merouen ok , nice night everrybody
rivrandir kanarip: Witch timezone?
kanarip ours
fabian_a Thanks to all attendees
rivrandir kanarip: You don't know where I am! :-)
diaa Thanks fabian_a
kanarip rivrandir, in Germany
fabian_a good night, good morning, or what ever...
rivrandir Thanks fabian!
rivrandir kanarip: OK, this week you are right :-)

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