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Revision as of 15:50, 26 March 2017 by Sartre (talk | contribs)

Contact Information

Name: Armins Stepanjans

Email address:

Phone no: +371 29231702

About Me

I have been leading development of an open-source underwater robot for the past 2 years(link to the Github page) written in Python and Arduino language. I am in my senior year of high school, where I am taking two CS classes (besides other subjects) — Java based and Python based. I have been accepted to a CS program in a university, where I'll begin my studies next academic year. I want to study computer science, because I find it fascinating how much a programmer can do just with a mind and a computer.

When programming my main source of motivation is interest in learning new concepts and possibility to accomplish amazing things. I've found the most effective organization tool to simply be a detailed "To Do" list written using pen and paper. I stay focused by creating an environment, which facilitates state of flow through minimizing multitasking and distractions.

Why Fedora Project?

I want to work with Fedora Project, because I have been using the desktop version for long time, but I have had hard time figuring out how to begin contributing to the community. Therefore, I see this as an opportunity to give back to the community that has given me a lot. After GSoC I would like to further work on Directory Services and I see work on administrative tools for 389 Directory Server as a spring board for my further work on Fedora Project.

Why 389 Directory Server?

I am interested in developing the Python administrative tools for 389 Directory Server. I am currently led development of an underwater robot, for which majority of the software is written in Python, I have also contributed to Histogrammar Python library and have done an internship in web development company, where I refactored RSpec unit tests. I have worked on personal projects involving LAMP server, but I don't have much networking experience beyond that. From this project I want to learn how to effectively code as part of a team, how to work with large quantities of data and how to deal with legacy code as well as improve my understanding of networking.