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Revision as of 16:16, 5 March 2018 by Sanja (talk | contribs) (added meeting #2)

Notes from the call on Mach 5, 2018

Participants (lines said)

  • walters (33)
  • otaylor (30)
  • kalev (10)
  • jlebon (10)
  • sanja (8)
  • dustymabe (5)
  • miabbott (4)
  • lorbus (3)

Meeting Summary

Action Items

  • walters to start a thread on desktop@ about these PRs

Notes from the call on Feb 19, 2018

Agenda: Workstation/AtomicWorkstation/SIG/Agenda


  • Sanja Bonic
  • Owen Taylor
  • Matthias Clasen
  • Jeff Ligon
  • Jonathan Lebon
  • Suraj Narwade
  • Micah Abbott
  • Steve Milner
  • Kalev Lember
  • Allan Day

Topic: Meeting time and venue

  • Decision: Future meetings will be on irc, same time, bi-weekly. Well aim for 45 minutes since some of us have another meeting at 9:45
  • No recording, we'll take notes

Topic: Fedora 28 goals

  • The big feature in Fedora 28 will be rpm-ostree support in GNOME software
  • We'll also have proper website for FAW (as part of the Project Atomic website)
  • Future topic: release planning:
    • how do we go from alpha to beta to final ?
    • make sure we have a FAW release at GA time, not delayed
    • how frequently do we want composes ?
    • is there any form of gating for the images ?

In discussion around update frequency, Kalev points out that it would be good to synch the OSTree updates with package repo metadata updates. See this:

The experimental jigdo transport for rpm-ostree also came up in this discussion as a possible solution for 'split package version' situations. This is not aimed at F28 though, more likely F30.

Topic: Status of composes

In discussion of composes, the question of the two branches (f27 and updates) came up. The branches work slightly differently from the package repos of the same name: the f27 package repo is frozen in time, while the f27 branch in OSTree still moves forward, just at a more granular pace than updates (at least in theory, we were not exactly clear if any gating happens for this currently).

Future topic that came up here: How do we determine the package set ? Do we differentiate more from FAH or move closer to the regular workstation ? Installing default apps as flatpaks helps for this.

Topic: Status of Flatpaks from rpms in Fedora

  • Everything is lined up
  • New person on the rel-eng side is starting
  • Still a few weeks away from seeing the first flatpak produced in this way

Topic: Website

Topic: Issue tracking

  • Currently, we have a very non-obvious pagure project for it
  • Owen suggests that we create an empty project for it. Atomic wg does that:
  • Decision: we will do the same