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Revision as of 12:16, 11 August 2018 by Vater (talk | contribs)

Now accepting proposals!
Submit a proposal for a Fedora Women's Day 2018 event here.

Fedora Women's Day (FWD) is a day of celebration to help raise awareness and thanks for the women contributors across the Fedora Project. Fedora Women's Day marks the anniversary of the Fedora Women team. The event is headed by Fedora's Diversity & Inclusion Team.

During September, we'd like to bring more women contributors across Fedora together with one another. Fedora Women's Day events highlight and celebrate the women in open source communities like Fedora and their invaluable contributions to their projects and community. They are an opportunity for women to learn about free and open source software and jump-start their journey as a FOSS user and/or a contributor. They also provide a platform for women to connect, learn, and be inspired by other women in open source communities and beyond.

Important dates

  • Suggested FWD dates: 22-23 September 2018
  • Submission deadline: Thursday, 16 August 2018
  • Acceptance deadline: Friday, 24 August 2018
    • This is the latest date you hear from the D&I Team if your proposal is accepted

Note: There is flexibility on dates for organizing FWD. Thus, an event can be organized on any dates throughout September if the suggested dates are inconvenient for you. Proposals are reviewed on a rolling basis, so the earlier you send a proposal, the better the chances are of getting feedback and support early.

Local Events

See approved proposals on the fedora-womens-day repository.

Brainstorming tips

  • Any local groups that want to organize a meetup for this day too?
    • Examples: PyLadies, Women Who Code, other regular, local meet-up groups
  • Can you get in touch with local groups who may be interested in organizing a FWD event?
  • Increase visibility by using social media

Interested in organizing a FWD in your city?

Submit a proposal as a Pagure ticket before the proposal deadline, listed above.

Requesting budget

Limited financial assistance is available to help you plan and coordinate your FWD event. If you require budget, an estimated list of costs is needed in your FWD proposal.

Things you can request budget for:

  • Reserving a meeting room/space
  • Promotional materials (e.g. printing posters, brochures, or hand-outs)
  • Pizza/snacks/drinks for event attendees
  • Local transportation for organizers and speakers (trains/taxis/buses)

Things you cannot request budget for:

  • Community dinner at a restaurant for all attendees
  • Airfare (the event should be reachable in your local area)
  • Hotel/accommodation (events should only last one day)

To request a budget for your event, put together a basic list of expenses for your budget (recommended maximum is 100 USD). The estimate doesn't have to be exact. If you are unsure about the exact costs of an item, it is better to request more than you expect and spend less than to request less and accidentally spend more. Use the ticket template on Pagure to format your proposed budget.

Reimbursement process

You will be reimbursed for your event after writing an event report for the Fedora Community Blog. Event reports are required within three weeks of the day of the event. Don't forget to take some pictures to show the community what happened at your event!

Important notes:

  • Save all receipts!
    • Later, receipts are uploaded to a private ticket in the fedora-budget repo.
    • All receipts should be scanned as PDF format.
  • The recommended maximum budget is 100 USD
  • Fedora uses PayPal for reimbursement
    • If it is impossible for you to receive money via PayPal, alternatives may be available. Make a note in your ticket if it is NOT possible for you to receive reimbursement via PayPal.


  • Who can organize a FWD event?

Anyone can organize a FWD. It doesn't mean YOU must be a woman to organize this event, but you can help them get more involved in open source and in Fedora.

  • Who can participate?

Participation isn't limited to only women. You can invite other Fedora contributors or Ambassadors to attend your event, regardless of gender.

  • Is there a specific date to organize a FWD?

There are suggested dates mentioned at the top of this wiki page, in the Important dates section. To receive budget for your event, make sure you submit a proposal by the submission deadline.

  • Can I request budget for a FWD event? What do I need to do?

See the above section, Requesting budget.

  • How can I join a local event?

See approved proposals on the fedora-womens-day repository to find more information about approved FWD events and how to join them.

  • What do we do at a Fedora Women's Day?

Sets of resources will be shared by the Diversity & Inclusion Team with event organizers in August.

  • How to get Fedora swag for my event?

If you would like some Fedora swag (e.g. stickers, pens, or other items), please make a request in your FWD proposal ticket. The Diversity & Inclusion Team will coordinate with the Mindshare Committee to provide you with some swag.

Did we mention there are really cool Fedora Women stickers?

  • Do you have an image that I can use for my event?

Additional resources will be provided by the Diversity & Inclusion Team in August.

  • How can I contact Diversity & Inclusion Team to ask for help?

Send us an email on our mailing list! We will be very happy to help and assist you.

Event reports

Event reports will be linked here after they are published on the Fedora Community Blog.