From Fedora Project Wiki
This is a draft
This is a draft of a document that may or may not be migrated into a more sane namespace.

πŸ”— Introduction

This document describes the test process by which Fedora 10 will be verified for operation consistent to that of other common laptop hardware.

The goals of this plan are to:

  • Organize a community test effort
  • Communicate the strategy, scope and priorities of the planned tests to all relevant stake-holders for their input and approval
  • Serve as a base for the test planning for future Fedora releases
FIXME - Outline exit criteria
What bugs should be prioritized by development? How do we know if something should be fixed or not?

πŸ”— Strategy

In an effort to focus testing on specific XO hardware, the test strategy will be to:

  1. Define a set of high-level test areas that group similar functional components together
  2. Organize volunteers into teams, each team focused on a specific test area
  3. Teams will develop a rough test plan for their test area. Each team can dictate the required level of testing (both in terms of depth and breadth)

As no centralized automation is available, test teams are encouraged to leverage exploratory testing and built-in unit-tests where possible.

Use existing tools to facilitate writing new test builds to the XO's SD card (see

πŸ”— Schedule

An up-to-date schedule for Fedora 10 is available at Releases/10/Schedule. A summary of Fedora XO related test milestones is noted below.

Date Milestone
Tue 2008-09-30 Public beta
Fri 2008-10-10 Snapshot#1
Fri 2008-10-17 Snapshot#2
Fri 2008-10-24 Snapshot#3
Tue 2008-11-04 Preview release
Tue 2008-11-25 General Availability

πŸ”— Scope

The scope of all testing should be representative of the XO hardware under test. No need to test Gigabit ethernet if the XO doesn't provide such an adapter. See the test area break down for more details.

Items not tested:

  • Installation of Fedora on an XO - only live image booting from the SD is planned for Fedora 10
Do we need to test persistent storage on the live image?

πŸ”— Test Areas

πŸ”— Built-in Camera

  • What applications can be used to verify the camera?

πŸ”— Power Management

  • Suspend/resume
  • Hibernate
    • close lid
    • low battery
  • Use and report findings from powertop
  • Display brightness configuration (dim when idle)
  • Remove/add power adapter while running
  • Laptop Power/battery indicators behave as expected

πŸ”— Networking

  • Wireless networking
    • laptop wifi status indicator behaves as expected
    • firmware loaded by NM
    • can connect using various methods (None/WEP/WPA)
    • VPN?
    • Sharing an ad-hoc network w/ another XO

πŸ”— Display

  • xrandr rotation?
  • Using expected driver and resolution settings
  • Changing vt's back and forth
  • Coming out of suspend?
  • touchpad interface?
  • gamepad interface?
  • Brightness up/down accelerator key?
  • plymouth graphical boot enabled+working by default?

πŸ”— Audio

  • pulse audio default settings (not muted)
  • various mixer settings visible/editable (ala gnome-volume-control)
  • gnome system sounds enabled
  • Recording (ala gnome-sound-recorder)
  • headphone jack / internal speaker
  • Volume up/down accelerator key?

πŸ”— Responsibilities

This section outlines the test teams and various community points of contact.

Each test area is being split up for a different team of experts to deep dive into. The table below will be used to outline the teams and their focus areas.

Test Area Team Name Team Members
Example: Orbital Laser Team Dunder Mifflin Jim, Pam, Stanley
Built-in Camera
Power Management

πŸ”— HOWTO's

The following sections are intended to provide high-level instructions for common tasks encountered by a Fedora XO tester.

πŸ”— File Fedora XO bugs

All bugs will be tracked in Bugzilla.

Please file all bugs found while testing Fedora on the XO with the following parameters:

  • product = Fedora
  • version = rawhide
  • blocks = FedoraOnXO

For convenience, you can file an new Fedora XO bug by clicking here.

πŸ”— Triage NEW Fedora XO Bugs

To help with triaging ...

  1. Start with the list of NEW Fedora XO bugs at

For each bug, ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Is the bug specific to the XO hardware or environment?
  2. Was the following information provided?
    • Build tested (rawhide-YYYYMMDD or package versions)
    • Clear steps to reproduce the problem

If the above requirements have been met, please:

  1. Mark the bug as blocking 461806 (FedoraOnXO)
  2. Change to bug state to ASSIGNED

For further reading, the bug triage process is described in more detail at BugZappers.

πŸ”— Test a MODIFIED Fedora XO Bug

FIXME - provide tinyurl link to MODIFIED Fedora XO Bugs

Ask the following questions:

  1. Are you able to confirm that the steps to reproduce no longer trigger the failure?
  2. Have any new bugs been introduced as a result of the fix?
  3. Are any release notes required?

When comfortable with the fix:

  1. Add a comment indicating which build or software packages were tested
  2. Change the bug state to CLOSED with a resolution of RAWHIDE

If the reported issue has not been addressed:

  1. Add a comment indicating which build or software packages were tested that still exhibit the failure
  2. Change the state to ASSIGNED

πŸ”— Documentation

πŸ”— Getting Started

Tips/links/pointers on what is expected and how to proceed.

πŸ”— Installing your SD card


  • Another computer to flash the SD card
  • SD reader
  • SD card - specifically a Sandisk Extreme III SD card (either 2 Gig or 4 Gig capacity).
  • An internet connection

To install a live image to your SD card:

  1. Download the installation script:
    # wget
  2. Download an OLPC Fedora Live image from:
    # wget
  3. Write the live image to your SD card:
    # bash --extra-kernel-args 3 --xo-sd olpc-gnome.iso /path/to/sd/device

πŸ”— Getting a Developer Key

need more details on the background and process from edmcnierney.