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Revision as of 23:30, 6 October 2008 by Tmz (talk | contribs) (Add whitespace and enhance the content a bit)
(diff) ← Older revision | Latest revision (diff) | Newer revision → (diff) git hosting support now has support for hosting git repositories including accessing them via the git:// protocol for anonymous downloads as well as providing gitweb. This should be considered beta.

Create a ~/public_git directory on

ssh "mkdir ~/public_git"

Put your git repository in ~/public_git

As an example, here is one method to create an empty repository on your local system and upload it:

mkdir repo.git
cd repo.git
git init --bare
touch git-daemon-export-ok
cd ..
scp -r repo.git

This creates a bare repository (i.e. a repository that has no working directory). It contains just the files that are part of the .git directory of a non-bare git repository (the kind most users are accustomed to seeing).

Repository name must end with .git
Gitweb will not list repos that do not end in .git.
Repository access and git-daemon-export-ok
Without the git-daemon-export-ok file, your repository won't be available anonymously via the git:// protocol.
Non-bare repositories
While non-bare repositories should work, it is generally discouraged to push to such repositories. However, if you do use a non-bare repository, you should place the git-daemon-export-ok file in the top-level git dir, e.g. ~/public_git/your_repo.git/git-daemon-export-ok, NOT ~/public_git/your_repo.git/.git/git-daemon-export-ok

Pushing to your repository

At this point your new repository is still empty. To push changes from a local repository:

cd /path/to/local/repo
git remote add fedorapeople
git push --mirror fedorapeople

This creates a mirror of your local repository. All of the branches and tags in the local repository will be pushed to the fedorapeople repository.

If you only want to push selected branches, amend the git push example. For example, to push only your local master branch:

git push fedorapeople master

Allowing others to push
You can allow other users to push to your repository using extended acls (see setfacl(1) for details). However, if you have many others working on your project, using Fedora Hosted is strongly preferred.

Cloning your repository

To clone your repository, use a command similar to:

git clone git://

It is also possible to clone your project via the http:// protocol. In order for this to work, you must arrange to have git-update-server-info run whenever you update your repository. Typically, this is done with a post-update hook script. However, the user home directories on are mounted with the noexec option, which prevents the script from running. Instead, you may create a symbolic link to git-update-server-info in the hooks directory of your repository:

cd ~/public_git/repo.git/hooks
ln -svbf /usr/bin/git-update-server-info post-update

You can clone your repository over http:// with a command similar to:

git clone

git:// versus http://
Only clone via http:// if you are behind a firewall that prevents git:// from working. The git:// protocol is faster and more efficient than the http:// protocol for git usage.

Browse your project via gitweb

You can see your project listed in gitweb once the project list updates (hourly). Note that this URL may change.

Repository description
You can set the description for the repository that is displayed in gitweb by editing the description file in your repository.