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Revision as of 15:17, 19 September 2020 by Astepano (talk | contribs) (Auto updated.)

== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==

Page was updated on: 2020-09-19 15:17:12.439037 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24.0 hours since 2020-09-19 15:13:06 UTC.

PASSED INFRA Failure TEST Failure Skipped CI Build Running

Project name Branch Koji build Pull Request
ansible-lint master 51796244 -
awscli eln 51771593 -
awscli master 51767736 -
awscli f33 51737838 -
bcm283x-firmware master 51807058 -
bluedevil master 51754150 -
boinc-client master 51774278 -
breeze-gtk master 51753489 -
breeze-icon-theme eln 51756616 -
breeze-icon-theme master 51720827 -
caddy master 51788171 -
calls master 51781619 -
certmonger eln 51760757 -
certmonger master 51757378 -
cheese f33 51729523 -
chisel master 51773581 -
chisel master 51771834 -
chisel master 51771051 -
clang f32 51652592 -
compiler-rt f32 48005199 -
conmon f33 51738087 -
console-login-helper-messages eln 51771910 -
console-login-helper-messages master 51769050 -
corosync-qdevice eln 51762088 -
cups-filters f32 51665251 -
cups-filters f31 51665755 -
d-feet f33 51732539 -
deepin-wallpapers master 51818902 -
dnstwist f33 51708872 -
dnstwist f32 51709431 -
dnstwist f31 51709530 -
dogtag-pki f33 51740142 -
doxygen f33 51683293 -
doxygen f32 51683310 -
eog-plugins f33 51731528 -
etcd f33 50729252 -
extra-cmake-modules eln 51756205 -
extra-cmake-modules master 51720830 -
fedora-obsolete-packages master 51756852 -
fedscm-admin f32 51726264 -
fence-agents eln 51762697 -
fence-virt eln 51762852 -
flatpak-rpm-macros master 51822115 -
fping eln 51763093 -
freeradius-client eln 51763077 -
fuzza f33 51680253 -
fuzza f32 51680743 -
fuzza f31 51682008 -
fuzza epel8 51682902 -
gammastep f33 51699266 -
gammastep f32 51699479 -
ghc-cmark-gfm eln 51823279 -
ghc-cmark-gfm master 51822334 -
git-cola f33 51684992 -
gnome-contacts master 51822720 -
gnome-control-center master - PR-5
gnome-mahjongg master 51822356 -
gnome-mahjongg master 51763564 -
gnome-shell-extension-appindicator master 51815689 -
gnome-sound-recorder master 51767722 -
gnulib eln 51746599 -
golang-cloud-google f33 50772427 -
golang-github-aaronjanse-pty f33 51675864 -
golang-github-aaronjanse-pty f32 51678593 -
golang-github-agext-levenshtein f33 50808403 -
golang-github-alecthomas-kong-hcl-2 f33 51018803 -
golang-github-apparentlymart-dump f33 50808547 -
golang-github-apparentlymart-textseg-12 f33 51010941 -
golang-github-aws-lambda f33 50725587 -
golang-github-azure-autorest f33 50807357 -
golang-github-bketelsen-crypt f33 50783660 -
golang-github-bonitoo-io-sql-bigquery f33 51019436 -
golang-github-chris-ramon-douceur f33 51128531 -
golang-github-cncf-udpa f33 50717737 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-cockroach f33 51078325 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-cockroach-go f33 51051155 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-datadriven f33 51067989 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-errors f33 51026822 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-logtags f33 51025976 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-pebble f33 51029832 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-redact f33 51026683 -
golang-github-cockroachdb-sentry f33 51025831 -
golang-github-cucumber-gherkin f33 51053282 -
golang-github-cucumber-godog f33 51055218 -
golang-github-cucumber-messages f33 51052754 -
golang-github-denisenkom-mssqldb f33 51056640 -
golang-github-denverdino-aliyungo f33 51058412 -
golang-github-docker-libnetwork f33 51079362 -
golang-github-envoyproxy-control-plane f33 50718596 -
golang-github-envoyproxy-protoc-gen-validate f33 50717087 -
golang-github-exoscale-egoscale f33 51073687 -
golang-github-gddo f33 51031587 -
golang-github-gin-gonic f33 51084758 -
golang-github-gobuffalo-packr f33 51085977 -
golang-github-gogo-status f33 51026032 -
golang-github-google-certificate-transparency f33 50780556 -
golang-github-google-go-github f33 50715809 -
golang-github-google-monologue f33 50780824 -
golang-github-google-trillian f33 50779469 -
golang-github-googleapis-gnostic f33 51088633 -
golang-github-hashicorp-hcl-2 f33 51017397 -
golang-github-howeyc-fsnotify f33 51074056 -
golang-github-hydrogen18-memlistener f33 51026368 -
golang-github-iancoleman-strcase f33 50716181 -
golang-github-influxdata-flux f33 51020024 -
golang-github-influxdata-gomdb f33 51123218 -
golang-github-influxdata-influxdb f33 51078167 -
golang-github-istio-glog f33 51023661 -
golang-github-istio-viper f33 51022949 -
golang-github-jackc-chunkreader-2 f33 51047078 -
golang-github-jackc-pgconn f33 51049361 -
golang-github-jackc-pgio f33 51046768 -
golang-github-jackc-pgmock f33 51048853 -
golang-github-jackc-pgpassfile f33 51046365 -
golang-github-jackc-pgproto3 f33 51048139 -
golang-github-jackc-pgservicefile f33 51046236 -
golang-github-jackc-pgtype f33 51049850 -
golang-github-jackc-pgx f33 51050377 -
golang-github-jackc-pgx-3 f33 51076982 -
golang-github-jackc-puddle f33 51041689 -
golang-github-jarcoal-httpmock f33 51071739 -
golang-github-jcmturner-aescts f33 51138074 -
golang-github-jcmturner-dnsutils f33 51138063 -
golang-github-jcmturner-goidentity f33 51137421 -
golang-github-jcmturner-gokrb5 f33 51143926 -
golang-github-jcmturner-rpc f33 51137119 -
golang-github-josharian-intern f33 51126999 -
golang-github-karrick-godirwalk f33 51123997 -
golang-github-karrick-golf f33 51123234 -
golang-github-kit f33 50728920 -
golang-github-leodido-urn f33 51080281 -
golang-github-lib-pq f33 51172401 -
golang-github-lucas-clemente-quic f33 51126420 -
golang-github-lyft-protoc-gen-star f33 50715977 -
golang-github-mailru-easyjson f33 51127911 -
golang-github-markbates-errx f33 51085608 -
golang-github-markbates-oncer f33 51085389 -
golang-github-markbates-safe f33 51084941 -
golang-github-marten-seemann-qtls-go1-15 f33 51124896 -
golang-github-microcosm-cc-bluemonday f33 51131246 -
golang-github-minio f33 51135382 -
golang-github-minio-6 f33 51155102 -
golang-github-minio-md5-simd f33 51032197 -
golang-github-moby-ipvs f33 51075082 -
golang-github-npat-efault-poller f33 51675859 -
golang-github-npat-efault-poller f32 51678883 -
golang-github-pingcap-errors f33 51025413 -
golang-github-playground-assert-2 f33 51079553 -
golang-github-playground-locales f33 51081138 -
golang-github-playground-universal-translator f33 51082832 -
golang-github-playground-validator-10 f33 51083739 -
golang-github-prometheus-prom2json f33 51021500 -
golang-github-shurcool-githubv4 f33 50769174 -
golang-github-shurcool-graphql f33 50768292 -
golang-github-spf13-viper f33 50783963 -
golang-github-sql-civil f33 51055380 -
golang-github-stoewer-strcase f33 51088209 -
golang-github-uber-athenadriver f33 51013813 -
golang-github-viant-toolbox f33 50805515 -
golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack f33 51011103 -
golang-github-vmihailenco-msgpack-4 f33 51016597 -
golang-github-vmihailenco-tagparser f33 51014596 -
golang-github-zclconf-cty f33 51017054 -
golang-go4 f33 50803778 -
golang-gocloud f33 50804430 -
golang-goftp-server f33 51160093 -
golang-google-api f33 50720689 -
golang-google-genproto f33 50770511 -
golang-google-grpc f33 50719665 -
golang-istio-api f33 51021254 -
golang-istio-gogo-genproto f33 51020769 -
golang-istio-pkg f33 51076388 -
golang-tinygo-x-llvm master 51807203 -
golang-uber-fx f33 51012802 -
golang-x-build f33 50776926 -
google-api-python-client eln 51763234 -
google-auth-httplib2 eln 51763393 -
gpaste f33 51672988 -
grpc eln 51763405 -
gtranslator master 51766073 -
gupnp-igd eln 51822672 -
gupnp-igd master 51822245 -
haproxy eln 51763936 -
haskell-platform f31 51634851 -
icecat master - PR-1
ipvsadm eln 51763913 -
jss f33 51250830 -
kactivitymanagerd master 51748185 -
kde-cli-tools master 51804116 -
kde-gtk-config master 51754960 -
kdecoration master 51752154 -
kdeplasma-addons master 51805653 -
keepalived eln 51764326 -
kernel f33 51677174 -
kernel f32 51673509 -
kernel f31 51675280 -
kf5 eln 51756196 -
kf5 master 51722404 -
kf5-attica master 51725393 -
kf5-baloo master 51745622 -
kf5-bluez-qt master 51725584 -
kf5-frameworkintegration master 51748137 -
kf5-kactivities master 51748140 -
kf5-kactivities-stats master 51749507 -
kf5-kapidox master 51723111 -
kf5-karchive master 51725536 -
kf5-kauth master 51733540 -
kf5-kbookmarks master 51742680 -
kf5-kcalendarcore master 51730907 -
kf5-kcmutils master 51747252 -
kf5-kcodecs master 51730930 -
kf5-kcompletion master 51732235 -
kf5-kconfig master 51730953 -
kf5-kconfigwidgets master 51734947 -
kf5-kcontacts master 51733553 -
kf5-kcoreaddons master 51730970 -
kf5-kcrash master 51735021 -
kf5-kdav master 51745750 -
kf5-kdbusaddons master 51725518 -
kf5-kdeclarative master 51746439 -
kf5-kded master 51738196 -
kf5-kdelibs4support master 51752723 -
kf5-kdesignerplugin master 51751793 -
kf5-kdesu master 51738210 -
kf5-kdewebkit master 51751796 -
kf5-kdnssd master 51731029 -
kf5-kdoctools master 51731033 -
kf5-kemoticons master 51738224 -
kf5-kfilemetadata master 51732346 -
kf5-kglobalaccel master 51738227 -
kf5-kguiaddons eln 51759780 -
kf5-kguiaddons master 51731070 -
kf5-kholidays master 51731081 -
kf5-khtml master 51752725 -
kf5-ki18n master 51724963 -
kf5-kiconthemes master 51736758 -
kf5-kidletime master 51731097 -
kf5-kimageformats master 51731105 -
kf5-kinit master 51745922 -
kf5-kirigami2 master 51721729 -
kf5-kitemmodels eln 51759766 -
kf5-kitemmodels master 51731128 -
kf5-kitemviews eln 51759878 -
kf5-kitemviews master 51731144 -
kf5-kjobwidgets master 51732470 -
kf5-kjs master 51751801 -
kf5-kjsembed master 51752727 -
kf5-kmediaplayer master 51751811 -
kf5-knewstuff master 51745950 -
kf5-knotifications master 51735243 -
kf5-knotifyconfig master 51745969 -
kf5-kpackage master 51732528 -
kf5-kparts master 51745994 -
kf5-kpeople master 51738363 -
kf5-kplotting eln 51759677 -
kf5-kplotting master 51731372 -
kf5-kpty master 51732554 -
kf5-kquickcharts master 51731445 -
kf5-kross master 51751820 -
kf5-krunner master 51750064 -
kf5-kservice master 51736839 -
kf5-ktexteditor master 51748656 -
kf5-ktextwidgets master 51738418 -
kf5-kunitconversion master 51731489 -
kf5-kwallet master 51738450 -
kf5-kwayland master 51726662 -
kf5-kwidgetsaddons eln 51759904 -
kf5-kwidgetsaddons master 51726646 -
kf5-kwindowsystem eln 51759908 -
kf5-kwindowsystem master 51733771 -
kf5-kxmlgui master 51740423 -
kf5-kxmlrpcclient master 51751828 -
kf5-modemmanager-qt master 51726606 -
kf5-networkmanager-qt master 51726534 -
kf5-plasma master 51749499 -
kf5-prison master 51726019 -
kf5-purpose master 51748695 -
kf5-solid eln 51760200 -
kf5-solid master 51725934 -
kf5-sonnet eln 51760199 -
kf5-sonnet master 51725893 -
kf5-syndication master 51746303 -
kf5-syntax-highlighting master 51725821 -
kf5-threadweaver master 51723621 -
kgamma master 51748254 -
khotkeys master 51753412 -
kinfocenter master 51748263 -
kio-fuse master 51805256 -
kmenuedit master 51756251 -
kscreen master 51750191 -
kscreenlocker master 51755882 -
ksshaskpass master 51748277 -
ksysguard master 51757259 -
kuserfeedback master 51805180 -
kwayland-integration master 51753326 -
kwayland-server master 51748287 -
kwin master 51767705 -
kwrited master 51748294 -
latte-dock f33 51718850 -
libblockdev f33 51676032 -
libblockdev f32 51676112 -
libblockdev f31 51676201 -
libcxx f32 48005226 -
libcxxabi f32 48006502 -
libkscreen-qt5 master 51748296 -
libksysguard master 51756036 -
libmatchbox eln 51764465 -
libomp f32 51652866 -
libprelude master - PR-1
libprelude eln 51801461 -
libprelude master 51800757 -
libpreludedb master 51800602 -
libpreludedb master 51745908 -
libproxy f33 51750052 -
librdkafka f33 51656884 -
librdkafka f32 51657749 -
librelp f33 51653261 -
librelp f32 51655070 -
libuv f32 51016714 -
libuv f31 51016716 -
libuv epel7 51016767 -
libvncserver eln 51760231 -
libvncserver master 51757042 -
libvpd eln 51764923 -
linux-firmware eln 51771525 -
linux-firmware master 51763378 -
lld f32 51652831 -
lldb f32 48016953 -
llvm f32 51652470 -
llvm-test-suite f32 51652841 -
lsp-plugins f33 51717505 -
lsvpd eln 51765343 -
lua-rpm-macros f33 50666100 -
manifest-tool master 51752976 -
matchbox-window-manager eln 51765367 -
matio f33 51687960 -
matio f32 51685979 -
matio f31 51687387 -
matio epel8 51685992 -
matio epel7 51686010 -
mellowplayer f33 51733098 -
mellowplayer f32 51733141 -
mesa f32 51661659 -
metamath f32 51668226 -
metamath f31 51669402 -
mingw-pango master 51773054 -
mingw-python3 master 51776554 -
mysql-connector-python eln 51765725 -
naabu master 51779441 -
nagios eln 51765838 -
netlabel_tools eln 51765967 -
NetworkManager master - PR-5
nodejs f32 51587220 -
nodejs f31 51587219 -
nodejs-backbone master - PR-1
nodejs-packaging master - PR-2
nodejs-underscore master - PR-1
nordugrid-arc f33 50300494 -
nordugrid-arc epel8 50300496 -
nordugrid-arc epel7 50300518 -
nordugrid-arc6 epel7 50300608 -
nspr eln 51799118 -
nspr master 51798994 -
ntp eln 51766424 -
numactl f33 51751609 -
numactl eln 51752017 -
numactl master 51751799 -
nwg-launchers f33 51694191 -
nwg-launchers f32 51694216 -
ocaml-csexp eln 51766169 -
ocaml-csexp master 51759212 -
ocaml-dune eln 51770947 -
ocaml-dune master 51760482 -
ocrmypdf master 51793520 -
omping eln 51766649 -
openblas eln 51731152 -
openssl-ibmpkcs11 eln 51766474 -
orangefs f33 51685418 -
ostree master - PR-18
oxygen-icon-theme master 51721355 -
pam-kwallet master 51748280 -
pango eln 51771508 -
pango master 51764392 -
pcs eln 51766946 -
perl-Apache-Session master 51812371 -
perl-Convert-BinHex eln 51767099 -
perl-Crypt-X509 eln 51766922 -
perl-Data-Dumper-Names eln 51767259 -
perl-DBD-Mock f33 51725852 -
perl-DBD-Mock f32 51725926 -
perl-HTML-Lint eln 51767258 -
perl-IO-SessionData eln 51767175 -
perl-MIME-tools eln 51767314 -
perl-OLE-Storage_Lite f31 51665087 -
perl-PDL f33 51713555 -
perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict eln 51814458 -
perl-PerlIO-utf8_strict master 51813477 -
perl-SOAP-Lite eln 51767411 -
perl-Test-MockModule f33 51734728 -
perl-Test-Most eln 51767440 -
perl-URI-cpan eln 51767404 -
perl-XML-Parser-Lite eln 51767406 -
php-pecl-oauth f33 51715564 -
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock5 f33 51712530 -
php-phpdocumentor-reflection-docblock5 f32 51712542 -
php-phpdocumentor-type-resolver1 f33 51710679 -
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage9 f33 51709775 -
php-phpunit-php-code-coverage9 f32 51709785 -
pipewire f33 51726317 -
pipewire f32 51726292 -
pki-core f33 51747598 -
pki-core master 51747636 -
plasma-breeze master 51758117 -
plasma-browser-integration master 51754552 -
plasma-desktop master 51811427 -
plasma-discover master 51752273 -
plasma-drkonqi master 51748176 -
plasma-integration master 51803355 -
plasma-milou master 51752585 -
plasma-nm master 51750285 -
plasma-oxygen master 51750253 -
plasma-pa master 51752610 -
plasma-sdk master 51755200 -
plasma-systemsettings master 51803365 -
plasma-workspace master 51801925 -
plasma-workspace-wallpapers master 51755173 -
plymouth-kcm master 51757837 -
plymouth-theme-breeze master 51751890 -
pocl f32 48016946 -
podman eln 51818411 -
podman master 51812706 -
podman eln 51759272 -
polkit-kde master 51748386 -
powerdevil master 51804471 -
proxytunnel epel8 51682906 -
python-accuweather f33 51679790 -
python-accuweather f32 51680511 -
python-adal eln 51767688 -
python-afsapi f33 51691456 -
python-afsapi f32 51691463 -
python-afsapi epel8 51692268 -
python-ailment master 51817077 -
python-aiodns eln 51767690 -
python-aiosmb f33 51734085 -
python-ana master 51817287 -
python-azure-sdk eln 51767724 -
python-bitarray eln 51767896 -
python-boto eln 51767923 -
python-boto3 eln 51771584 -
python-boto3 master 51767726 -
python-boto3 f33 51737819 -
python-botocore eln 51771592 -
python-botocore master 51767715 -
python-botocore f33 51738034 -
python-cachetools eln 51767845 -
python-claripy master 51817047 -
python-colorama eln 51768172 -
python-configargparse eln 51767925 -
python-curio eln 51767927 -
python-dask master 51789715 -
python-dateparser eln 51768180 -
python-faker eln 51821347 -
python-faker master 51821232 -
python-fasteners eln 51768327 -
python-google-api-core eln 51764177 -
python-google-auth eln 51764201 -
python-googleapis-common-protos eln 51768731 -
python-grpcio-gcp eln 51768778 -
python-jsonref f32 51740449 -
python-jsonschema master - PR-6
python-jsonschema eln 51818413 -
python-jsonschema master 51814863 -
python-msal eln 51768892 -
python-msal-extensions eln 51768990 -
python-msrest eln 51764312 -
python-msrestazure eln 51768992 -
python-oauth2client eln 51769135 -
python-opencensus eln 51769146 -
python-opencensus-proto eln 51769252 -
python-opentelemetry eln 51769253 -
python-portalocker eln 51769262 -
python-pycares eln 51769336 -
python-pygit2 master 51805383 -
python-PyMuPDF master - PR-2
python-reportlab master 51763006 -
python-requests master - PR-11
python-requests eln 51770316 -
python-requests master 51759556 -
python-retrying eln 51769549 -
python-rsa eln 51769779 -
python-sphinx-autodoc-typehints eln 51769561 -
python-sphinx-math-dollar f33 51753605 -
python-sphinx-math-dollar eln 51753865 -
python-sphinx-math-dollar master 51753314 -
python-spnego f33 51682291 -
python-spnego f32 51682931 -
python-spnego epel8 51683197 -
python-swiftclient f33 51686024 -
python-typeshed eln 51769745 -
python-uamqp eln 51765614 -
python-uritemplate eln 51769823 -
python-vcrpy eln 51769848 -
python3-docs f33 51713486 -
python3-mypy eln 51767678 -
python3.9 f33 51713021 -
python39 f32 51713023 -
python39 f31 51726404 -
qqc2-desktop-style master 51738573 -
qstat eln 51770078 -
R-ascii f33 51722183 -
R-ascii f32 51722192 -
R-ascii f31 51722204 -
R-gplots master 51771746 -
R-openssl master 51776760 -
redhat-rpm-config f33 51663052 -
resource-agents eln 51766176 -
root f33 50411434 -
root epel8 50411440 -
root epel7 50411450 -
rsyslog f33 51718741 -
rsyslog f32 51720689 -
rust-bootupd master 51756001 -
rust-dns-lookup master - PR-1
rust-git2 master - PR-1
rust-libgit2-sys master - PR-1
rust-libz-sys master - PR-1
rust-net2 master - PR-1
rust-procs master - PR-1
rust-prost-build master - PR-1
sbd eln 51770333 -
sddm-kcm master 51748420 -
selinux-policy f33 51737666 -
selinux-policy eln 51747074 -
selinux-policy master 51745936 -
servicelog eln 51770423 -
skopeo master 51765384 -
skopeo f33 51683442 -
swift-lang master 51790183 -
thrift eln 51769114 -
uglify-js eln 51750920 -
uglify-js master 51750739 -
video-downloader master 51810922 -
xdg-desktop-portal-kde master 51755218 -
xrdcl-http f33 51743482 -
xrdcl-http epel8 51743489 -
xrdcl-http epel7 51743491 -
xrootd f33 51740491 -
xrootd epel8 51740493 -
xrootd epel7 51740496 -
xrootd-ceph f33 51743352 -
xrootd-compat epel7 50770570 -
xtb f33 51682776 -
xtb f32 51682779 -
xtb f31 51682783 -
yadifa f33 51689282 -
yadifa f32 51689403 -
yadifa epel8 51689772 -
yadifa epel7 51689661 -
zathura-pdf-mupdf master - PR-3
zuul master - PR-5
zuul master - PR-1