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Revision as of 04:30, 27 June 2022 by Shivangswain (talk | contribs) (Fix image)
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Shivang P Swain
Personal information
Pronouns: He/Him
Birthday: January 9px
E-mail: shivangswain AT gmail DOT com
Contact information
Twitter: shivangswain
GitHub: shivangswain

Fedora-specific information
FAS name: shivangswain
Fedora e-mail:
Fedora homepage:


I am a cybersecurity enthusiast who is passionate about building software with compassion


I have been a tinkerer by heart forever and have been interested in technology and cybersecurity for the past 7 years. Rooting Android devices, jailbreaking iPhones, unlocking laptop BIOS limits, building Hackintoshes and messing with my home network using a Raspberry Pi are what I do in my free time. I am a firm believer in and proponent of the FOSS and broader open-source principles. I encourage a more considerate and compassionate approach to software development. I am also invested and keenly interested in emerging web technologies, cloud computing, networking and self-hosting.