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Revision as of 23:10, 27 August 2023 by Rwright (talk | contribs) (Ideas List Starter)
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Inside Fedora (Community Building and Inclusivity)

  • Establish an LGBTQ+ resource center within the project's documentation to provide guidance, resources, and support.
  • Organize regular LGBTQ+ awareness and education workshops for contributors.
  • Set up a mentoring program that pairs experienced LGBTQ+ contributors with newcomers.
  • Update code of conduct that explicitly addresses LGBTQ+ inclusivity and respect.
  • Host virtual meetups to discuss LGBTQ+ topics within the context of open-source software.
  • Provide sensitivity training to community leaders and moderators.
  • Showcase LGBTQ+ contributors' stories on the project's official blog or website.
  • Implement pronoun usage in contributor profiles and communication platforms.
  • Highlight LGBTQ+ events and awareness days through project-wide announcements.
  • Collaborate with other open-source projects to share best practices for LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
  • Conduct surveys to gather feedback from LGBTQ+ contributors about their experiences and needs.
  • Incorporate LGBTQ+ representation in project artwork, such as wallpapers and icons.
  • Celebrate LGBTQ+ Heritage Month with themed content and activities.
  • Explore the integration of LGBTQ+ support apps, like mental health resources or community networks.
  • Develop tools to enhance accessibility features for LGBTQ+ users with disabilities.
  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ developers to design software that addresses unique needs within the community.
  • Organize hackathons or coding challenges focused on LGBTQ+ inclusivity and innovation.
  • Integrate privacy and security tools to protect LGBTQ+ users' sensitive data.
  • Support the development of software that aids gender transition or exploration processes.
  • Ensure that Fedora's documentation provides clear guidance on LGBTQ+-related configurations.
  • Develop troubleshooting guides for common issues faced by LGBTQ+ users.
  • Maintain a curated list of LGBTQ+ forums and online communities related to Linux and Fedora.
  • Create a feedback mechanism for users to report inclusivity-related issues and suggestions.
  • Establish an LGBTQ+ advisory board to provide ongoing guidance and feedback.
  • Regularly review and update the project's inclusivity initiatives based on feedback and best practices.
  • Conduct regular audits to assess the effectiveness of LGBTQ+ inclusivity efforts and make necessary adjustments.

Outside Fedora (Marketing and User Engagement)

  • Create LGBTQ+-themed promotional materials for the distribution, like wallpapers and icons.
  • Curate a collection of software that caters to LGBTQ+ interests, easily accessible in the Fedora repositories.
  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ influencers and content creators to review and promote Fedora.
  • Offer live demos or webinars on how to use Fedora for LGBTQ+-specific tasks.
  • Feature stories from LGBTQ+ users who have found Fedora useful for their work or projects.
  • Participate in LGBTQ+ tech and open-source conferences to showcase Fedora's commitment.
  • Provide translations of Fedora documentation and resources into languages relevant to LGBTQ+ communities.
  • Engage with LGBTQ+ organizations to offer Fedora workshops for marginalized communities.
  • Develop a curated list of LGBTQ+-inclusive apps, tools, and resources for Fedora users.
  • Launch a social media campaign that highlights Fedora's support for LGBTQ+ inclusivity.
  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ charities to donate a portion of Fedora merchandise sales.
  • Create a landing page on the Fedora website specifically addressing LGBTQ+ users and contributors.
  • Offer scholarships or grants to LGBTQ+ students interested in open-source contributions through Fedora.
  • Sponsor or host LGBTQ+ tech and open-source events to increase Fedora's visibility.
  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ artists for Fedora-themed artwork and designs.
  • Launch a blog series or podcast featuring LGBTQ+ contributors' experiences within Fedora.
  • Establish connections with LGBTQ+ advocacy organizations to promote Fedora as an inclusive choice.
  • Collaborate with LGBTQ+ education initiatives to provide Fedora-based learning resources.
  • Offer workshops for LGBTQ+ youth, introducing them to Linux and open-source concepts.
  • Develop joint projects with LGBTQ+ coding bootcamps or tech programs.