🔗 Translation
This section covers the news surrounding the Fedora Translation (L10n) Project.
Contributing Writer: Runa Bhattacharjee
🔗 cvsl10n Sponsorship and Listing of Sponsors
As a follow-up to the ongoing discussion about the "cvsl10n" sponsorship procedure, NorikoMizumoto and IgorSoares have put together a page[1][2] with the name of the Administrators and Sponsors of the "cvsl10n" group. IgorSoares suggested the formation of language groups to ease the sponsorship and an aging policy for unattended requests[3]. RunaBhattacharjee suggested if a patch to the existing FAS interface as possible, that would allow addition of the language name when a new member sends a request to join the FLP[4]. ChristianRose also suggested a patch for damned-lies that would allow addition of the "sponsor" information directly on the team's page[5].
[1] https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/L10N/GroupSponsors
[2] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00091.html
[3] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00086.html
[4] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00085.html
[5] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-January/msg00024.html
🔗 New Administrators for cvsl10n
The FLSCo members were upgraded to "Administrators" of the "cvsl10n" group by KarstenWade[6].
[6] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00108.html
🔗 TQSG upgraded
NorikoMizumoto announced[7] the availability of the updated .pot and .po files of the Translation Quick Start Guide (TQSG). FLP members can also join the TQSG project to help in its maintenance.
[7] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-January/msg00008.html
🔗 New Members in the FLP Project
Christophe Alladoum (French)[8], Luís Gomes (Portugeuse)[9], Mieszko Ślusarczyk (Polish)[10], Mario Jalsovec (Croatian)[11], Kris Thomsen (Danish)[12], David Kjær (Danish)[13], Wes Freeman (Spanish)[14] join the FLP teams.
[8] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-January/msg00014.html
[9] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00113.html
[10] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00112.html
[11] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00109.html
[12] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00107.html
[13] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2008-December/msg00094.html
[14] https://www.redhat.com/archives/fedora-trans-list/2009-January/msg00009.html