First time
Please fill out [[GetText(Name)] , [[GetText(Password)] , [[GetText(Password repeat)] and [[GetText(Email)] .
It is best to choose a WikiName (like Firstname
Lastname) as username to get your changes and signatures link back to your Wiki
Homepage. Your email is needed for you to be able to get notifications on page changes and to recover lost login data.
If you click on [[GetText(Create Profile)] , a user profile will be created for you and you will be logged in immediately.
Logging in
If want to re-login, just use [[GetText(Name)] and [[GetText(Password)] and click on [[GetText(Login)] . If you forgot your password, provide your email address and click on [[GetText(Mail me my account data)] .
Changing settings
[[GetText(Save)] updates your profile (stored on the wiki server).
Logging out
[[GetText(Logout)] clears the cookie created at login.
The Cookie
The cookie will expire next midnight - except if you choose [[GetText(Remember login information)] (after being logged in), then the cookie will not expire. After the cookie has expired, you have to login again.