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Revision as of 00:02, 6 February 2009 by Beland (talk | contribs) (→‎Common Problems: fix link)

🔗 Kernel bugzilla triage.

🔗 Quick links to bug lists

🔗 Stick for prodding sleeping bugs with


I'm reviewing this bug as part of the kernel bug triage project, an attempt to isolate current bugs in the Fedora kernel.

I am CC'ing myself to this bug and will try and assist you in resolving it if I can.

There hasn't been much activity on this bug for a while. Could you tell me if you are still having problems with the latest kernel?

If the problem no longer exists then please close this bug or I'll do so in a few weeks if there is no additional information lodged.

  • Use if the bug is against an previous point release kernel, and the reporter hasn't retested and place the bug in NEEDINO_REPORTER state

🔗 Installer bugs


I'm reviewing this bug as part of the kernel bug triage project, an attempt to isolate current bugs in the Fedora kernel.

I am CC'ing myself to this bug and will try and assist you in resolving it if I can.

Bugs involving the installation process cannot usually be resolved after release date. We therefore ask reporters to use one (or both) of the following options:

1) Test with a Fedora Unity re-spin. These can be found at and include updates for installer bugs which may resolve the problem for you.

2) Test with an Alpha, Beta or Release Candidate for the next version. These can be found at and by testing these we can work to resolve any installation issues so that the final release is free of such bugs.

However if the problem no longer exists then please close this bug or I'll do so in a few weeks if there is no additional information lodged.

🔗 Old release bugs


I'm reviewing this bug as part of the kernel bug triage project, an attempt to isolate current bugs in the Fedora kernel.

I am CC'ing myself to this bug, however this version of Fedora is no longer maintained.

Please attempt to reproduce this bug with a current version of Fedora (presently Fedora 8). If the bug no longer exists, please close the bug or I'll do so in a few weeks if there is no further information lodged.

Thanks for using Fedora!

  • Use if the bug is against an old release (FC6 or earlier at this point) and place the bug in NEEDINFO_REPORTER.

🔗 Bug state transitions

  • A bug marked as MODIFIED has patches in testing and should not have their status changed. An exception to this is when a bug has been in MODIFIED state for some time (this usually indicates that the issue was fixed in an update, and no-one ever closed the bug. If in doubt, ping the reporter to retest with the latest build).
  • If a bug has been in NEEDINFO for several months with no follow-up from the reporter, there's not a great deal we can do. In this situation, closing the bug is the only recourse available (which does actually tend to 'wake up' some reporters who then reopen the bug).
  • When marking bugs as duplicates, we want the one with the most information to be the one that remains open, even if this means a higher numbered bug gets closed.
  • Don't close bugs marked beginning with [mmconf] or [msi] (bugs beginning with [$something] are usually specifically marked so developers can quickly see the main issue within the bug)

🔗 Basics

  • If there's an upstream ( bug that matches
  • In the Fedora bug, set 'external bugzilla references' to point to the upstream bug number
  • In the upstream bugzilla, add a comment along the lines of "also seen in Fedora."
  • If the report contains a lockdep trace, mark it as blocking FCMETA_LOCKDEP
  • If the bug is against an already released Fedora (Ie, Fedora 7) and there isn't much information to go on "my machine locked up" for eg, request that the user try to reproduce the problem using the kernel-debug kernel. The additional debugging checks may trigger some clues.
  • Rawhide boot images can be found (sometimes, depending on whether things compose properly) at:

  • If the bug you are triaging contains a patch, please add [PATCH] to the beginning of the summary line of the bugzilla.
  • Sometimes a user will attach a kernel panic as a jpeg, or in worst case, as a tarball of their /var/log/messages.
  • It saves the kernel team time if the kernel oops parts of these are transcribed/cut out and pasted into the bug as text.
  • Additionally, making sure that text attachments of bugs have their MIME type set to text/plain can save some time.

🔗 Common Problems

See KernelCommonProblems.

🔗 Bug assignment

For certain categories of bug, assigning/cc'ing people responsible for the relevant subsystem is a good idea. When reassigning Add to Cc:

Subsystem Reassign to Add to Cc: Other notes.
ACPI Add FCMETA_ACPI to 'blocks'
SATA * Add FCMETA_SATA to 'blocks'
USB Add FCMETA_USB to 'blocks'
SCSI Add FCMETA_SCSI to 'blocks'
Sound Add FCMETA_ALSA to 'blocks'
Broadcom wireless driver (bcm43xx)
EXT2/EXT3/JBD/XFS (Or pretty much any filesystem stuff goes to Eric)
CPU frequency scaling
udev related
Xen Change component to kernel-xen