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Revision as of 21:17, 20 August 2019 by Astepano (talk | contribs) (Auto updated.)

== This page is automatically updated. Do not edit. ==

Page was updated on: 2019-08-20 21:17:14.037444 UTC.
This is a list of CI builds in the last 24 hours since 2019-08-20 21:12:05 UTC.

PASSED INFRA Failure TEST Failure Skipped CI Build Running

Project name Branch Koji build Pull Request
acpid f31 37183969 -
acpid f30 37183971 -
acpid master 37183783 -
analitza master 37180088 -
aom f31 37185804 -
aom master 37184042 -
apache-ivy master - PR-3
apache-ivy master 37191684 -
apache-ivy master 37191508 -
ast master 37174319 -
ast f31 37174321 -
asymptote master 37189966 -
at-spi2-atk f31 37176147 -
babeld f30 37186744 -
babeld f31 37186742 -
babeld master 37186728 -
backintime f30 37178107 -
backintime f31 37178099 -
backintime master 37178087 -
blender f31 37168793 -
blender f30 37170162 -
blender master 37168791 -
blinken master 37181505 -
bodhi master - PR-10
bodhi master - PR-10
bodhi master 37171843 -
bogofilter master 37190036 -
bomber master 37187266 -
bovo master 37187270 -
bsf master - PR-2
bsf f31 37191457 -
bsf master 37191241 -
buildah master 37184530 -
buildah master 37179097 -
buildah master 37172371 -
buildah master 37169019 -
cairo-dock-plug-ins f31 37176052 -
calibre f31 37178688 -
calibre master 37178687 -
checksec f31 37175696 -
checksec master 37175664 -
community-mysql master 37151494 -
copyq master 37179098 -
copyq f29 37179125 -
copyq f30 37179123 -
copyq f31 37179105 -
dav1d f31 37185523 -
dav1d master 37184048 -
dconf f31 37176035 -
dieharder master 37190094 -
distribution-gpg-keys f31 37178588 -
distribution-gpg-keys f29 37178593 -
distribution-gpg-keys f30 37178590 -
distribution-gpg-keys master 37178582 -
enblend master 37190103 -
eog f31 37188538 -
eog f31 37179723 -
epiphany f31 37177131 -
exim f29 37182561 -
exim f30 37182389 -
exim f31 37182356 -
exim master 37182263 -
fawkes f31 37178449 -
fawkes f30 37177898 -
fawkes master 37177512 -
fortune-mod master 37178435 -
freerdp f29 37179896 -
freerdp f31 37179918 -
freerdp f30 37179894 -
freerdp master 37179748 -
gcr f31 37177271 -
gdm f31 37177290 -
getdp master 37190257 -
gettext master - PR-4
gettext f31 37181980 -
gettext master 37179880 -
gettext f31 37180416 -
gettext master 37179557 -
gettext master 37178922 -
gimp master 37178677 -
glibc master 37168647 -
gnome-boxes f31 37185938 -
gnome-boxes f29 37185760 -
gnome-boxes f30 37185756 -
gnome-boxes master 37180044 -
gnome-boxes f31 37176413 -
gnome-contacts f31 37176043 -
gnome-documents f31 37176252 -
gnome-font-viewer f31 37177210 -
gnome-mahjongg f31 37177181 -
gnome-nibbles f31 37177110 -
gnome-photos f30 37181757 -
gnome-photos master 37181503 -
gnome-photos f31 37181507 -
gnome-photos f30 37181670 -
gnome-photos f31 37181470 -
gnome-photos master 37181446 -
gnome-robots f31 37177127 -
gnome-shell-extension-topicons-plus master 37174209 -
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-aws f31 37186320 -
golang-contrib-opencensus-exporter-aws f32 37186186 -
golang-contrib-opencensus-integrations-ocsql f31 37186538 -
golang-contrib-opencensus-integrations-ocsql f32 37186395 -
golang-github-devigned-tab f32 37186661 -
golang-github-devigned-tab f32 37186609 -
golang-github-google-go-github master 37179227 -
golang-github-google-replayers f32 37191459 -
golang-github-google-replayers f32 37190804 -
golang-github-google-wire f32 37191766 -
golang-github-google-wire f32 37191655 -
golang-github-jung-kurt-gofpdf master 37180147 -
golang-github-openapi-swag master 37180173 -
golang-pack-amqp f32 37187841 -
golang-pack-amqp f32 37187572 -
granatier master 37187287 -
GraphicsMagick f29 37180501 -
GraphicsMagick f30 37180480 -
gsl master 37187015 -
gsl master 37186616 -
gtk4 master 37178514 -
gtkwave f30 37175553 -
gtranslator f31 37177444 -
gvfs f31 37176288 -
hplip f29 37177497 -
icecat f30 37178285 -
igt-gpu-tools master 37190406 -
iscan-firmware f30 37170213 -
iscan-firmware master 37169901 -
iscan-firmware f29 37169940 -
iscan-firmware f31 37169912 -
iverilog master 37178826 -
java-1.8.0-openjdk master 37144815 -
kalgebra master 37181528 -
kalzium master 37181685 -
kanagram master 37181702 -
kapman master 37187298 -
katomic master 37187327 -
kblackbox master 37187329 -
kbounce master 37187370 -
kbruch master 37181735 -
kcron master 37180004 -
kdeedu-data master 37180115 -
kdiamond master 37187401 -
kernel f31 37168887 -
kernel master 37154538 -
kernel f31 37176003 -
kernel f32 37175907 -
kernel-headers f31 37168944 -
kernel-tools f31 37168968 -
keybinder f31 37175219 -
keybinder master 37175147 -
kf5-kross-interpreters master 37180080 -
kf5-libkgeomap master 37182153 -
kgeography master 37181797 -
khangman master 37181832 -
kicad master - PR-3
kicad master 37178740 -
kig master 37181859 -
killbots master 37187532 -
kiriki master 37187542 -
kiwi master 37177392 -
kjumpingcube master 37187559 -
klickety master 37187579 -
klines master 37187600 -
kmag master 37180067 -
kmahjongg master 37188026 -
kmines master 37188002 -
kmousetool master 37180069 -
kmouth master 37180071 -
kmplot master 37181983 -
knavalbattle master 37187656 -
knetwalk master 37187669 -
kolf master 37187691 -
kollision master 37187696 -
konquest master 37187752 -
kqtquickcharts master 37181993 -
kreversi master 37187762 -
kshisen master 37187764 -
kspaceduel master 37187824 -
ksquares master 37187826 -
kst master 37190512 -
ksystemlog master 37180063 -
ktuberling master 37187873 -
kturtle master 37182053 -
kubrick master 37187887 -
kwordquiz master 37182063 -
LabPlot master 37190546 -
libindi master 37190551 -
libinput f31 37172296 -
libinput master 37171935 -
libinput master 37170436 -
libkdegames master 37186953 -
libkeduvocdocument master 37180091 -
libkmahjongg master 37186955 -
libnbd master 37178638 -
libpeas f31 37180387 -
libpeas f31 37176800 -
LibRaw f31 37187212 -
LibRaw f29 37187223 -
LibRaw f30 37187221 -
LibRaw master 37187184 -
liferea f31 37181603 -
liferea f31 37180099 -
lld master - PR-8
lld master 37175381 -
llvm master - PR-22
llvm master - PR-22
llvm7.0 f30 - PR-1
lskat master 37187927 -
luminance-hdr master 37190553 -
marble master 37180130 -
mariadb-connector-c master 37172489 -
mariadb-connector-c master 37171639 -
mariadb-connector-c master 37169176 -
mesa f30 37172200 -
milia master 37190621 -
mingw-gnutls master 37188087 -
mingw-gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free master 37188648 -
mingw-libarchive master 37188371 -
mingw-nettle master 37187598 -
mingw-p11-kit master 37186886 -
mmseq master 37190658 -
modello master - PR-1
modello master - PR-1
modello master 37177623 -
mom f30 37176631 -
mom f31 37176284 -
mom master 37176131 -
morse2txt master 37190668 -
mp master 37190690 -
mpris-scrobbler f29 37187153 -
mpris-scrobbler f30 37187124 -
mpris-scrobbler f31 37187116 -
mpris-scrobbler master 37187025 -
mpris-scrobbler master 37186804 -
nautilus f31 37179285 -
nbdkit master 37178667 -
ncl master 37190698 -
ncl master 37174974 -
ncl f31 37174976 -
nco master 37190709 -
nilfs-utils master 37186402 -
nilfs-utils master 37184802 -
nip2 master 37190724 -
nodejs-cmd-shim master 37191732 -
nodejs-less f31 37177968 -
nodejs-less master 37177907 -
ocaml-augeas master 37180454 -
ocaml-camlp4 f31 37178422 -
ocaml-camlp4 master 37178420 -
ocaml-gsl master 37190728 -
octave-gsl master 37190743 -
onedrive master - PR-2
onedrive master 37175773 -
openh264 master 37177288 -
openqa f31 37188757 -
openqa f30 37188755 -
orsa master 37190768 -
otf2 master 37187256 -
otf2 master 37180895 -
parley master 37182095 -
pdns-recursor f29 37179069 -
pdns-recursor f30 37178919 -
perl-Alien-Build f31 37179920 -
perl-Alien-Build master 37179901 -
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases f29 37182685 -
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases f30 37182652 -
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases f31 37182508 -
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases master 37182502 -
perl-CPAN-Perl-Releases master 37182400 -
perl-FFI-Platypus master 37182409 -
perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client f31 37189162 -
perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client master 37189168 -
perl-Mojo-RabbitMQ-Client f30 37188959 -
perl-PDL master 37190777 -
perl-Test2-Plugin-DBIProfile master 37177746 -
perl-Test2-Plugin-MemUsage master 37177053 -
perl-Test2-Plugin-UUID master 37178732 -
perl-Test2-Suite master 37178737 -
php master 37178438 -
php-alcaeus-mongo-php-adapter f29 37178256 -
php-alcaeus-mongo-php-adapter f30 37178247 -
php-alcaeus-mongo-php-adapter f31 37178245 -
php-alcaeus-mongo-php-adapter master 37178243 -
php-egulias-email-validator2 f30 37179931 -
php-egulias-email-validator2 f31 37179916 -
php-egulias-email-validator2 master 37179899 -
php-mikey179-vfsstream f31 37178399 -
php-mikey179-vfsstream master 37178397 -
php-mongodb f29 37180473 -
php-mongodb f30 37180439 -
php-mongodb f31 37180436 -
php-mongodb master 37180424 -
php-myclabs-deep-copy master 37177797 -
php-myclabs-deep-copy f31 37177809 -
php-myclabs-php-enum f30 37178027 -
php-myclabs-php-enum f29 37178031 -
php-myclabs-php-enum f31 37178017 -
php-myclabs-php-enum master 37178015 -
php-nikic-php-parser4 f29 37180056 -
php-nikic-php-parser4 master 37180030 -
php-nikic-php-parser4 f31 37180032 -
php-pecl-psr f30 37178499 -
php-pecl-psr f31 37178477 -
php-pecl-psr master 37178475 -
php-phpmd-PHP-PMD master 37178327 -
php-phpmd-PHP-PMD f31 37178329 -
php-sabre-dav4 f30 37179683 -
php-sabre-dav4 master 37179671 -
php-sabre-dav4 f31 37179679 -
php-sabre-http5 f31 37179556 -
php-sabre-http5 master 37179523 -
php-sabre-xml2 f30 37177691 -
php-sabre-xml2 master 37177674 -
php-sabre-xml2 f31 37177677 -
php-symfony-polyfill master 37176145 -
php-symfony-polyfill f31 37176149 -
php-symfony3 f29 37176745 -
php-symfony3 master 37176721 -
php-symfony3 f30 37176739 -
php-symfony3 f31 37176736 -
php-symfony4 master 37177235 -
php-symfony4 f30 37177211 -
php-symfony4 f31 37177140 -
picmi master 37187987 -
pidgin-sipe f29 37185801 -
pidgin-sipe f30 37185799 -
plexus-compiler master - PR-1
plexus-compiler master 37181093 -
plexus-components-pom master - PR-1
plexus-containers master - PR-2
plexus-containers master 37178094 -
podman master 37188552 -
podman master 37186165 -
podman master 37182735 -
podman master 37177400 -
pspp master 37190863 -
pygsl master 37190926 -
python-aodhclient master 37174048 -
python-autobahn master - PR-3
python-autobahn master 37179837 -
python-autobahn master 37179697 -
python-bibtex master 37178446 -
python-botocore master 37178823 -
python-CacheControl f31 37177273 -
python-coapthon3 f30 37188103 -
python-coapthon3 f31 37187569 -
python-coapthon3 master 37187396 -
python-cvxopt master 37190928 -
python-daemon master 37179043 -
python-execnet epel8 - PR-4
python-faker master 37188309 -
python-html5-parser master 37179139 -
python-html5-parser f31 37179140 -
python-hypothesis master 37177120 -
python-mne-bids f30 37182403 -
python-mne-bids f31 37182150 -
python-mne-bids master 37182016 -
python-mwclient f31 37173001 -
python-mwclient master 37173003 -
python-mwclient master 37172619 -
python-parso f30 - PR-1
python-path master - PR-5
python-path master - PR-4
python-path master - PR-4
python-pyftdi f30 37188101 -
python-pyftdi f31 37187561 -
python-pyftdi master 37187387 -
python-pyi2cflash f30 37188742 -
python-pyi2cflash f31 37188650 -
python-pyi2cflash master 37188525 -
python-pymod2pkg master 37181731 -
python-pysimplesoap f30 37175477 -
python-pyspiflash f30 37188745 -
python-pyspiflash f31 37188652 -
python-pyspiflash master 37188523 -
python-streamlink f29 37177977 -
python-streamlink f30 37177713 -
python-streamlink f31 37177621 -
python-streamlink master 37177564 -
python-transitions master 37174050 -
python-websockets master 37178983 -
python-zeroconf f29 - PR-3
python2 master - PR-47
python2 master 37178976 -
python3 master - PR-130
pythran f31 37183687 -
pythran f30 37183689 -
pythran master 37179211 -
qemu f31 37179964 -
qemu master 37172198 -
quadrapassel f31 37176564 -
qutebrowser f30 37179209 -
qutebrowser f29 37179218 -
qutebrowser master 37179071 -
R-gsl master 37190942 -
recode master 37178101 -
remmina master 37189356 -
remmina f31 37189364 -
remmina f29 37188428 -
remmina f30 37188097 -
remmina f29 37187491 -
remmina f30 37187488 -
rocs master 37182108 -
rubygem-ffi master 37191912 -
rubygem-ffi master 37191879 -
rubygem-rake master - PR-1
rubygem-rake master 37186204 -
rubygem-rouge master 37187264 -
scidavis master 37191000 -
seafile master 37178897 -
seafile-client master 37180781 -
sharpziplib master 37175288 -
shotwell f29 37188892 -
shotwell f29 37178943 -
step master 37191024 -
step master 37182119 -
sushi f31 37176187 -
taskopen master 37186520 -
taskopen master 37186220 -
thrift master 37186697 -
timescaledb f30 37179248 -
timescaledb master 37179234 -
timescaledb f31 37179241 -
timescaledb master 37179073 -
tomoe-gtk f31 37176429 -
tomoe-gtk master 37176286 -
tomoe-gtk master 37176242 -
tpm2-pkcs11 master 37182332 -
tpm2-tools master 37180418 -
ucx f30 37179325 -
ucx f29 37179119 -
ucx master 37178730 -
urh f29 37185842 -
urh f30 37185207 -
urh f31 37185169 -
urh master 37185105 -
vim f29 37177597 -
vim f30 37177343 -
vim f31 37176836 -
vim master 37176133 -
vim master 37175709 -
vim f31 37176601 -
vim f31 37176318 -
vim f29 37176189 -
vim master 37175900 -
virt-top master 37180365 -
voms-api-java master 37175741 -
voms-api-java master 37175671 -
voms-clients-java master 37175947 -
weld-parent master - PR-1
wine f30 37168110 -
wine f31 37168108 -
wine master 37167820 -
wine f29 37168155 -
wine-mono f31 37171407 -
wireshark f30 37179000 -
wireshark master 37179027 -
wireshark f31 37179023 -
wireshark f29 37178839 -
wireshark f29 37178721 -
wp-cli f30 37184239 -
wp-cli f31 37184038 -
wp-cli master 37183984 -
xaos master 37191051 -
xapps f30 37177998 -
xapps f31 37177995 -
xbean master - PR-3
xbean master 37186318 -
xorg-x11-utils master - PR-1
xorg-x11-utils master 37186797 -
zeal f30 37179495 -
zeal f31 37179257 -
zeal master 37179120 -
zeal f30 37176966 -
zeal master 37176723 -