From Fedora Project Wiki
This is a list of Self Contained Change Proposals.
Pages in category "SelfContainedChange"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 657 total.
(previous page) (next page)C
- Change/DisableSHA1InOpenDNSSec
- Changes/.NET Core 3.1
- Changes/.NETOnAarch64
- Changes/389-ds-base-remove-686
- Changes/aarch64 32bit containers
- Changes/AArch64 KDE Plasma Desktop image
- Changes/AArch64 Xfce Desktop image
- Changes/aarch64SBCImages
- Changes/AcpicaTools
- Changes/Add amd map parser to autofs
- Changes/Add bpfman to Fedora
- Changes/Add LLD As Update Alternatives Option For LD
- Changes/Additional buildroot to test x86-64 micro-architecture update
- Changes/Adopt new Go Packaging Guidelines
- Changes/AllwinnerSunxiSupport
- Changes/AmplabTachyon
- Changes/Anaconda dir and image installations in automated text mode
- Changes/Anaconda Reclaim Disk Space
- Changes/Anaconda Using LVM DBus API
- Changes/Anaconda Web UI preview image
- Changes/AnacondaBlivetGUI
- Changes/AnacondaLVMRAID
- Changes/Ansible python3 default
- Changes/Ansible11
- Changes/Ansible5
- Changes/ApacheAccumulo
- Changes/ApacheAmbari
- Changes/ApacheHBase
- Changes/ApacheHive
- Changes/ApacheMesos
- Changes/ApacheOozie
- Changes/ApacheOpenOffice
- Changes/ApachePig
- Changes/ApacheSpark
- Changes/ARM Release Criteria Changes
- Changes/ArmMinimalImageOSBuild
- Changes/ArmSupportInFmw
- Changes/ARMv7UEFI
- Changes/AspellDeprecation
- Changes/Astronomy Spin
- Changes/Atomic Cloud Image
- Changes/Atomic Developer Mode
- Changes/Atomic Server
- Changes/AtomicDesktops
- Changes/AtomicDesktopsNoPpc64le
- Changes/AtomicStorageClients
- Changes/AuthconfigCleanup
- Changes/Authselect
- Changes/Authselect Require explicit opt-out
- Changes/Automated AMI test and release
- Changes/AutomatedBuildCockpitWebServiceContainer
- Changes/Automatic Cloud Reboot On Updates
- Changes/Avoid usr bin python in RPM Build
- Changes/BaseRuntime
- Changes/BetterErlangSupport
- Changes/BetterSwitchableGraphicsSupport
- Changes/Big Data Cloud Image
- Changes/BiggerESP
- Changes/Binary Kernel Modules rpm-ostree
- Changes/BIND 9.11
- Changes/BIND 9.18
- Changes/BIND9.16
- Changes/BluetoothDeprecated
- Changes/BodhiNonRPMArtifacts
- Changes/BogofilterSqlite
- Changes/bpfilter
- Changes/Bring Services In Line With Restart Guidelines
- Changes/Bundler 2.0
- Changes/Cache Logical Volumes
- Changes/ChangeToGitCore
- Changes/ChineseDefaultFontsToNoto
- Changes/ChineseSerifFonts
- Changes/Cinnamon Spin
- Changes/cleanup systemd install
- Changes/Cloud MOTD
- Changes/Cloud Systemd Networkd
- Changes/CloudEC2gp3
- Changes/CloudEC2ImagesNoStandardStorage
- Changes/CloudEC2IMDSv2Only
- Changes/CloudEC2UEFIPreferred
- Changes/CloudProviderImageUpdates
- Changes/Cockpit Domain Controller GUI
- Changes/cockpit-file-sharing-2-4-1-5
- Changes/CockpitDomainController
- Changes/Comp Neuro Container
- Changes/Comp Neuro Lab
- Changes/ComposefsAtomicCoreOSIoT
- Changes/ComposefsAtomicDesktops
- Changes/CompressKernelFirmware
- Changes/ConfidentialVirtHostAMDSEVSNP
- Changes/Containerized Server Roles
- Changes/ContainerMinimalImage
- Changes/Convert Fedora Cloud Image to Fedora Server
- Changes/Copilot Runtime Verification Framework
- Changes/CoreOSOstree2OCIUpdates
- Changes/CryptoPolicyKrb5
- Changes/Cups-filters2.0b
- Changes/CupsJournalLogging
- Changes/CustomCryptoPolicies
- Changes/Darktable 2 0
- Changes/DebuginfodByDefault
- Changes/Decouple system java setting from java command setting
- Changes/DeepinDE
- Changes/DeepinDE 15.11
- Changes/DefaultAnimatedBackground
- Changes/DefaultFontsToNoto
- Changes/Deprecate Apache Avalon
- Changes/Deprecate Apache Jakarta Commons HttpClient
- Changes/Deprecate Apache Jakarta ORO and Regexp
- Changes/Deprecate Apache Maven 2.x
- Changes/Deprecate gtk3-rs
- Changes/Deprecate ntlm in cyrus sasl
- Changes/Deprecate Sonatype OSS Parent
- Changes/Deprecate xemacs
- Changes/DeprecateNose
- Changes/DeprecateNSCD
- Changes/DeprecateOsProber
- Changes/DeprecatePythonMock
- Changes/DeprecatePythonPytestRunner
- Changes/DeprecatePythonToml
- Changes/DeprecatePytoml
- Changes/DeprecatePytz
- Changes/DeveloperAssistantGUI
- Changes/Disable LLMNR name resolution
- Changes/Disable Python 2 Dist RPM Generators and Freeze Python 2 Macros
- Changes/DisabledRepoSupport
- Changes/DisableEGLStreaminWayland
- Changes/DisableSTI
- Changes/Django 5x
- Changes/Django20
- Changes/Django3
- Changes/Django4.0
- Changes/DNF Default Best
- Changes/DnfLangpacksPlugin
- Changes/Docker Container Image
- Changes/Docker SDK For Python Version 2
- Changes/DockerOverlay2
- Changes/DontBootOnCGroupv1
- Changes/Drop Legacy GTK+ GUI in wireshark
- Changes/drop mod php
- Changes/drop pear dep
- Changes/Drop Rootpw SSH From Installer
- Changes/Drop Sshd Socket
- Changes/DXVKwined3d
- Changes/Edk2Security
- Changes/Emacs 28
- Changes/EmptyTemplate
- Changes/Enable pwfeedback in sudo by default
- Changes/EnableConsistentDeviceNamingCloud
- Changes/EnableDrmPanic
- Changes/EnableFwupdRefreshByDefault
- Changes/EnableHarfBuzzInFreeType
- Changes/EnableSysctlPingGroupRange
- Changes/EnablingPythonGenerators
- Changes/EncourageI686LeafRemoval
- Changes/Enhanced Inscript as default Indic IM
- Changes/EnhancePersianFontSupport
- Changes/Enlightenment
- Changes/Erlang 18
- Changes/Erlang 19
- Changes/Erlang 20
- Changes/Erlang 21
- Changes/Erlang 22
- Changes/Erlang 23
- Changes/Erlang 24
- Changes/Erlang 25
- Changes/EROFSforLiveMedia
- Changes/EtcDefaultGrubD
- Changes/F36MLT-7
- Changes/F37MingwOpenSSL3
- Changes/F37MingwUCRT
- Changes/F38-FPC-repackaging
- Changes/F39-Lazarus-repackaging
- Changes/F40 MariaDB MySQL repackaging
- Changes/Facter3
- Changes/fbrnch
- Changes/Fedora i3 Spin
- Changes/Fedora Images On Azure
- Changes/Fedora IoT Bootable Container
- Changes/Fedora IoT Unified Core
- Changes/Fedora KDE Plasma Mobile
- Changes/Fedora Kinoite
- Changes/Fedora Onyx
- Changes/Fedora Sway Spin
- Changes/fedora-change-wrangler
- Changes/fedora-repoquery tool
- Changes/FedoraBudgie
- Changes/FedoraCOSMIC
- Changes/FedoraDockerRegistry
- Changes/FedoraMiracle
- Changes/FedoraServerReleaseBlockingDeliverable
- Changes/FedoraSilverblueBootupd
- Changes/FedoraSilverblueUnifiedCore
- Changes/FedoraWSL
- Changes/Festival TTS update to 2.4
- Changes/FEX
- Changes/FIDODeviceOnboarding
- Changes/Firefox Wayland By Default On Gnome