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= Documentation Project Tasks =
#REDIRECT [[Category:Docs Project tasks]]
[#HowToTakeATask How to take a task]
Tasks are available to be done for this content or in these areas:
[[/UserGuide| User Guide]] <BR>
[[/ReleaseNotes| Release Notes]] <BR>
[ Admin Guide] <BR>
[ Live Spin Guide] <BR>
[ SELinux Docs] <BR>
[ RPM Guide] <BR>
[ Misc Writing] <BR>
[ Docs Toolchain] <BR>
[ CVS] <BR>
[ Wiki page owners] <BR>
[ PDF output] <BR>
[ Knowledgebase (Kbase)] <BR>
[ Documentation Guide] <BR>
[ Developer Guide] <BR>
[[/Wiki2CMS| Wiki content migration to CMS]] <BR>
[[/Bugzilla| Bug Fixing and Enhancing]] <BR>
[[/ProjectManagement| Project Management]] <BR>
[ Leadership] <BR>
[ Completed tasks] <BR>
== How To Take A Task ==
=== Single Person Task ===
1. Create a new sub-page in the [[DocsProject/Tasks]]  namespace, named after the task.  For example, if the task from [[DocsProject/Tasks/Wiki]]  is "Clean up the DocsProject Wiki pages", then create a new page, [[DocsProject/Tasks/Wiki/CleanUp]] .
* Choose the [[DocsTaskTemplate]]  for your new page
1. Remove the task from the list on [[DocsProject/Tasks/Wiki]]
* Move the task content directly into the template
1. Complete the template and save
1. Click ''Subscribe'' in the right-side column so you receive notice about any changes made to this newly active task page
1. A good idea now is to email [ fedora-docs-list]  that you are working on the task
1. Get started on the task, ask questions, enjoy :)
=== Joining a Group Task ===
A group task is a task that more than one person works on.
1. Leave the task in the list so others can learn about it
1. Create a new sub-page, then ''copy'' the content of the task into the template
* Refer to the [[SinglePersonTask|  single person task]]  instructions for details of creating this new, active task page
1. If the sub-page exists, add your name to the page as a contributor to that task
1. Complete the template and save
1. Click ''Subscribe'' in the right-side column so you receive notice about any changes made to this newly active task page
1. Email [ fedora-docs-list]  so that others working on the task know that you are now helping; they should know from watching the Wiki page changes, but it is good to let the group know
1. Get started on the task, ask questions of the group, etc. :)
{| border="1"
|- style="color: white; background-color: #3074c2; font-weight: bold"
| '''Task Name''' || '''Mentor''' || '''Target Date''' ||width="50%"
| '''Details'''
|- ||||||style="color: black; background-color: #eeeff1"
| ''Tasks and Ideas''
| Administration Guide || BartCouvreur || ''Open'' || Beginning idea-list -- [[Docs/Drafts/AdministrationGuide| Administration Guide]]
| Live CD Guide || JohnBabich || ''Open'' || Source content -- [[FedoraLiveCD/LiveCDHowTo| Live CD How-To]] , [[FedoraLiveCD/NetworkHowTo| Manual network configuration]] , [[Releases/FeatureFedoraKDE/KDELiveCD/LocalizedVersions| L10nize KDE Live-CD]]
| Fedora and mobile phones || ''Mentor needed''  || ''Open'' || Document request arrived via [ bugzilla #216387]
| Support and maintenance for MoinMoin DocBook-to-XML code || KarstenWade || ''Open'' || [[MoinDocBookProject| Local pages]] , [ Canonical pages on MoinMoin site]
| RPM Guide || [[PaulWFrields| PaulWFrields]]  || ''Open'' || Needs editing: mostly retagging for proper FDP usage such as &lt;command&gt;, etc. Also needs to build. Find another contributor for this project -- contact PaulNasrat for wtf happened to his ardent fans/collaborators.  Maybe this should move to
| Review/update [[DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Charter| FDSCo charter]]  || Chair, FDSCo || ? || Needs a review and refresh.
| Permanent(?) meeting time || FDSCo || Immediately following election || Depends on make-up of FDSCo and other factors; maybe time for a split meeting time or twice-a-month instead?  Schedule regular hack-times on IRC, aka ''office hours''?
| Publishing Fedora books with houses that do on-demand or speciality runs (Pearson's AtWork, [ LuLu] , [ O'Reilly's Safari] , etc. || TammyFox || ''None'' || Linda Harrison is POC from Pearson, JeremyHogan is POC from LuLu
| Implement the WikiWorkflow for some/all documents? || PatrickBarnes || ''Open'' || ''No actions identified yet.'
| Docs Rawhide || KarstenWade, ElliotLee || Ongoing || Collecting ideas for what direction to take this functionality at DocsRawhide .  Soon to include packages. Discussion commences post-FC5. Tommy is working on fixes to current setup; load-sharer that is not mirrored seems to be cause of current breakage, pursing with ElliotLee and the Infrastructure team.
| Implement Wiki page owners || FDSCo, Websites || ? || Begin immediately following FC5 release.  Start by creating guidelines for page ownership (subscribe to the page, be there to deal with bugs, etc.); ask for volunteers for pages; go through and make assignments with 0% to 100% pushback allowed.
| Jargon Buster merged into Wiki || PaulWFrields || ''Open'' || This document should be integrated with other Wiki content, where practical; this makes keeping jargon explained a community collaboration task.
| Derive actions from Fedora survey || FDSCo || ''Open'' || [[Marketing/Surveys/Summary survey results]] ; look to see what changes can be made in Fedora Docs based on community survey results.
| General recruiting || All || Ongoing || Will mail Lance Benjamin for assistance at combing list for contributors.
| Bugzilla cruft || StuartEllis, [[PaulWFrields| PaulWFrields]]  || ? || Sweep out bugs that should be closed, docs never submitted. (ongoing)
| Example tutorial || Everyone || Ongoing || Ongoing task to keep this up-to-date as the canonical XML reference.
| FDSCo mentoring || All || Ongoing || Mentoring project is now formalized at [[Mentors| Mentors]] .
| ReportLab PDF output || Open || Open || ''More coming''
| Document how to Internationalize (I18nize) an application for Fedora || DimitrisGlezos, [[I18N| I18N]]  || Open || Gather, stitch, fill-in content about how-to make an application ready for translation (l10n) and other i18n considerations.
== Active (Assigned) Tasks  DEPRECATED FORMAT PENDING MOVING  ==
{| border="1"
|- style="color: white; background-color: #3074c2; font-weight: bold"
| '''Task Name''' || '''Owner''' || '''Target Date''' ||width="50%"
| '''Status'''
|- ||||||style="color: black; background-color: #eeeff1"
| ''Active Tasks''
| Review and revise [[DocsProject/SteeringCommittee/Charter| FDSCo charter]]  || All FDSCo || Content needs to match up to new election world, and checked for relevance.
| || SamFolkWilliams, MikeMcGrath || ??? || Research into kbase solutions, if we want to have one, and how to implement.  Includes making needed recommendations for how to style kbase entries, getting and using a workflow that includes FDP editors, how to link to other, more detailed content, etc.
| Project compliance || KarstenWade || 05-Jan-2007 || The FDP is grandfathered in as a formal PMC, but needs to check and confirm compliance with the standard defined by the Fedora Project Board at [[DefiningProjects| DefiningProjects]] .
| FOSS Documentation Tools Summit || KarstenWade, JohnBabich and all interested FDP team members|| Summer 2007? || FDP to sponsor a FOSS community-wide online summit to discuss a common set of tools and techniques to create, maintain, distribute, and publish FOSS documentation. Gaol is to investigate current state of affairs and put together the outline of a proposed solution. Emphasis is '''FOSS docs the FOSS way'''.
| Documentation Guide overhaul || [[PaulWFrields| PaulWFrields]] , KarstenWade || ''Open'' || Major new content that exists in the Wiki and our brains needs to get put down here.  We need to figure out how to handle the style guidelines without the GNOME content. Working through the Wiki into CVS.
| Saxon, FOP, gcj || TommyReynolds || In testing? || Tommy has submitted changes for xmlto to use Saxon.  [ this link] .  Working on a collaborative project with GNU Classpath to test changes within packages, starting with FOP.  More announced when we are ready.

Latest revision as of 15:14, 15 June 2010