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== Marketing ==

In this section, we cover the Fedora Marketing Project.
In this section, we cover the happenings for Fedora Marketing Project for the last week.

Contributing Writer: [[User:Cmehandru| Chaitanya Mehandru]]
Contributing Writer: [[User:pcalarco | Pascal V. Calarco]]
We are looking for a new writer to take up the weekly Marketing beat.  If you are interested, drop a note to one of the FWN editors!

=== Marketing Meeting Log for 2009-09-22 ===
=== MMM. Almost as tasty as a beefy miracle... your weekly delicious Marketing Meeting Minutes are here! ===

Meeting logs <ref></ref> and notes <ref></ref> for the 2009-09-22. Fedora Marketing Meeting were made available. All Marketing meetings and notes are open to the public. <ref></ref>
[[User:Rbergero|Robyn Bergeron]] announced<ref></ref> the availability of the latest Marketing team minutes

"Greetings, Marketeers!

Thanks to Robyn Bergeron for running the meeting in Mel’s absence!!
F15 goodness is well underway.  If you're interested in picking up  anything on the schedule, including doing a feature profile or want to start digging in on one page release notes, please let us know!

=== F12 Talking points ===
Notes from the meeting are below.
Talking points are more or less done<ref></ref> and now ambassadors can start using them. Ambassadors can choose from various suggestions on using talking points<ref></ref>.  

=== Matchmaking for Feature Profile interviews ===
See you next week!
With the F12 talking points out already, we need to start doing print or podcast interviews around some of the points /features<ref></ref>. We identified the desktop,admin and development users category and selected 4 talking points that should definitely have interviews to go along with them- Next-Gen Ogg, NetworkManager enhancements, Virt improvements, and Systemtap improvements.

The tools / information to start doing interviews are available<ref></ref>. If someone is willing to take something on, please add your name to the wiki as the owner so we know that we (a) have an owner, and (b) don't have 12 owners being redundant. 

Paul W. Frields has graciously volunteered to do the SystemTap interview and has shared a stub page for the systmetap interview he did in F11<ref></ref>. A podcast will be available soon. Thanks Paul!!!
Full logs<ref></ref>"

We're still looking to synchronize interviewees and interviewers<ref></ref>.

=== Fedora Insight status ===
=== SxSW photobooth awesomeness and its future ===
We originally planned to launch Fedora Insight on September 29 (right before infrastructure freeze), but to get a stable platform up and tested, with a contribution workflow we're all happy with, we pushed the launch date out until right after the freeze instead and moved it to Oct 14(when the freeze lifts), and the revised schedule is available<ref></ref>. <ref></ref><ref></ref>.

=== Marketing Research ===
[[User:herlo|Clint Savage]] discussed<ref></ref> strategies for making the "SxSW photobooth awesomeness and its future" more universal to FAmNA events.
Robyn is working on a list of questions on marketing research to be sent out and will keep plugging away at market research.

=== Coming up next ===
"As you probably know, I've been hanging around Fedora for a few years now.  I helped improve the events that Fedora attends by creating the Fedora EventBox. It's been going really well, but this week, I saw a big improvement because of just a few people at SxSW.  I would like to thank Mo, Emily, Spot, Jared and anyone else who helped make the booththere awesome!
In-depth feature profiles are on track and should get finished by 2009-10-06. Help with podcasts is available on a wiki page "How to make a podcast" and provides advises on how to start with making podcasts for best results<ref></ref>.

Red Hat Marketing/PR will be helping a during the F12 release cycle and we should have a release video ready for release day. Paul will be recording the video and is currently working to get a couple feature videos ready in the coming weeks.
. . .

But there's more we can do with this, and that's where I think the value lies.  For one, it is cool that each participant get's a nice little card printed right there with a QR code so they can go retrieve it.  But it would also be nice to let them share their photos on social networking sites like Facebook,, foursquare, twitter, etc.  I can also see gaining contributors from this concept, in that they are now 'part' of Fedora's legacy.  Maybe having them show up on the FedoraProject front page when an event is happening?  I seriously think that this is stuff that everyone in Fedora would love."


Latest revision as of 14:19, 24 March 2011


In this section, we cover the happenings for Fedora Marketing Project for the last week.

Contributing Writer: Pascal V. Calarco

We are looking for a new writer to take up the weekly Marketing beat. If you are interested, drop a note to one of the FWN editors!

MMM. Almost as tasty as a beefy miracle... your weekly delicious Marketing Meeting Minutes are here!

Robyn Bergeron announced[1] the availability of the latest Marketing team minutes

"Greetings, Marketeers!

F15 goodness is well underway. If you're interested in picking up anything on the schedule, including doing a feature profile or want to start digging in on one page release notes, please let us know!

Notes from the meeting are below.

See you next week!


Full logs[3]"

SxSW photobooth awesomeness and its future

Clint Savage discussed[1] strategies for making the "SxSW photobooth awesomeness and its future" more universal to FAmNA events.

"As you probably know, I've been hanging around Fedora for a few years now. I helped improve the events that Fedora attends by creating the Fedora EventBox. It's been going really well, but this week, I saw a big improvement because of just a few people at SxSW. I would like to thank Mo, Emily, Spot, Jared and anyone else who helped make the booththere awesome!

. . .

But there's more we can do with this, and that's where I think the value lies. For one, it is cool that each participant get's a nice little card printed right there with a QR code so they can go retrieve it. But it would also be nice to let them share their photos on social networking sites like Facebook,, foursquare, twitter, etc. I can also see gaining contributors from this concept, in that they are now 'part' of Fedora's legacy. Maybe having them show up on the FedoraProject front page when an event is happening? I seriously think that this is stuff that everyone in Fedora would love."