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This is an alternative proposal to PackagingDrafts/Go which does not seem to move forward anymore and does not result in the creation of quality up-to-date Go packages in Fedora.

Instead of relying on an external utility to produce verbose, difficult to understand and to update spec code, it builds the Go integration inside rpm, and factors out common tasks. It tries to limit spec content to items where the packager adds actual value, and makes it easy to adapt to upstream changes. It uses rpm facilities to auto-compute Requires and Provides. Note that Go has not standardized on a common component tool yet, therefore the auto-produced dependencies are highly granular and lacking versionning constrains.

As a result this proposal achieves a drastic reduction of Go spec sizes, up to 90% in some cases, not counting changelog lines. It removes hundreds of high-maintenance lines per spec file. It increases quality by enabling stricter checks in the factored-out code, without relying on packagers to cut and paste the correct snippets in their spec files. It aggressively runs all the unit tests found in upstream projects. It does not try to rely on bundled Go code, to hide upstream renamings, to avoid rebasing packages when their dependencies change.

This proposal relies heavily on the Forge-hosted projects packaging automation proposal since the Go ecosystem uses almost exclusively modern software publishing services. It reuses the rpm automation of PackagingDrafts/Go when it exists, and produces compatible packages. Unlike Suse it does not try to build Go code in libraries, that may be added later.



Source packages (src.rpm)

  • Packages that provide an application such as etcd MUST be named after the application. End users do not care about the language their applications are written in.
  • Packages that provide connector code in multiple programming languages SHOULD also be named in some neutral non Go-specific way.
  • Packages dedicated to the furniture of Go code to other projects, with eventually some ancillary utilities, MUST use a Go-specific name derived from the upstream Go package import path. This name is automatically computed in %{goname} by %gometa.

Go package naming should always derive from the upstream Go package import path.



A Go package is identified by its import path. A Go spec file will therefore start with the %{goipath} declaration. Don't get it wrong, it will control the behaviour of the rest of the spec file.

 %global goipath

If you’re lucky the Internet hosting of the Go package can be automatically deduced from this variable (typically by prefixing it with https://). If that is not the case, you need to declare explicitly the hosting URL:

 %global forgeurl

If rpmbuild complains later your hosting service in unknown of %forgemeta, please extend this macro. As a workaround you can manually declare here the following variables to benefit from the rest of the automation.

  • archiveurl
  • archivename
  • forgesetupargs
  • scm (if packaging a code snapshot)

The %{forgeurl} declaration is followed by Version, %{commit} and %{tag}. Use the combination that matches your use-case. The rules are the same as in Forge-hosted packaging.

%global commit      3a1d936b7575b82197a1fea0632218dd07b1e65c
Commits vs releases
You SHOULD package releases in priority. Please reward the projects that make an effort to identify stable code states. Only fall back to commits when the project does not release, when the release is more than six months old, or if you absolutely need one of the changes of a later commit. In the later cases please inform the project politely of the reason you needed to give up on their official releases. Promoting releases is a way to limit incompatible commit hell.

The code versioning information is followed by a clear project description that will be reused in the various rpm packages produced from this spec file.

 %global common_description %{expand:
 A human-friendly multi-line project description.}

Then you need to call the %gometa macro to put it all together


Its behavior is similar to %forgemeta, with some Go-specific enhancements. Like %forgemeta, it comes with an optional debugging %gometacheck helper.

Then you can declare the usual rpm headers, using the values computed by %gometa.

Name:    %{goname}     See also Go naming
Version: 0             If zero, because the project does not release. Otherwise it should have been declared before calling %gometa.
Release: 0.X%{?dist}   %gometa uses %forgemeta to compute the correct %{dist} value for snapshots.
Summary: Supplementary Google APIs Client Library for Go
License: BSD           See also Fedora licensing guidelines.
URL:     %{gourl}
Source:  %{gosource}
“%{gourl}“ or “%{forgeurl}“ use as “URL:”
You do not have to use %{gourl} or %{forgeurl} as URL: values if the packaged project has a better customized home page. They are a convenience, nothing more.


Go packaging macros reference

Benefits and limitations