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Music Creation Lite Spin


Designed to showcase the latest developments in linux audio production, Music Creation Lite provides a suite of best of breed audio recording, editing, effects and synthesis software fitting on a single bootable cd media.


and the Audio Creation SIG.

Detailed Description

Music Creation Lite provides

Benefit to Fedora

Kickstart File

ISO Name / FS Label

  • ISO name: Fedora-14-x86_64-Music-Creation-Lite
  • FS-Label: Fedora-14-x86_64-MusicCreationLt


  • kernel-rt: Ideally, this spin would use a kernel with realtime patches as found at PlanetCCRMA. Since this isn't ready for F14, this spin instead relies on reducing unwanted system and user services to limit the chances of latency problems.
  • jackuser group: There is still some work to do to ensure that the default spin user is added to the jackuser group so that applications can work.
  • branding/graphics: have not been worked on as yet. Once F14 graphics are viewable, we are considering adapting them to incorporate something musical/audio into the theme.
  • Fedora Music documentation: currently in devel/test
  • rough edges:
 * grub add second entry to allow selection of boot with normal service startup (rl 5)
 * add a button (ideally only visible in RL 5) to initiate system maintenance items, via a script.
 * email icon still present
 * add a button to request change between maintenance and music runlevels

Scope / Testing


Spin description


Download tab

Support tab

Custom branding

Comments and Discussion