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Revision as of 16:07, 30 April 2012 by Tflink (talk | contribs) (updating with post-meeting details and log)
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  • tflink (69)
  • pschindl (15)
  • mkrizek (6)
  • zodbot (4)
  • Southern_Gentlem (3)
  • Cerlyn (1)


  • Previous meeting follow-up
  • Fedora 17 Final status / planning
  • Test Day report
  • Upcoming QA events
  • AutoQA update
  • Open floor

Previous meeting follow-up

  • tflink to send out testing request for f15 livecd-tools to test@
    • tflink sent out testing request for f15 livecd-tools to test@ but no new karma has been filed
  • kparal to poke abrt team about the test day planned for 04-26 and ensure they're ready in time or it is postponed
    • assumed that kparal communicated with ABRT team about test day since it did happe

Fedora 17 Final status/planning

  • F17 Final TC2 is available for testing
  • F17 Final RC1 probably sometime next week

Test Day report

Upcoming QA events

  • GNOME Boxes on 2012-05-03
  • Final blocker review #2 2012-05-01
    • The announcement said Tuesday 2012-05-02, assuming that it was supposed to be Tueday, 2012-05-01
  • Final blocker review #3 2012-05-04

AutoQA update

  • Nothing to update, have been testing F17

Open floor

  • No other topics brought up


tflink #startmeeting Fedora QA Meeting 15:00
zodbot Meeting started Mon Apr 30 15:00:32 2012 UTC. The chair is tflink. Information about MeetBot at 15:00
zodbot Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic. 15:00
tflink #meetingname fedora-qa 15:00
zodbot The meeting name has been set to 'fedora-qa' 15:00
tflink #topic roll call 15:00
tflink OK, who's ready for some qa meeting awesomeness? 15:00
* mkrizek is here 15:01
mkrizek seems like there won't be many of us 15:01
mkrizek from Fedora QE anyway 15:01
* Cerlyn is here 15:01
tflink mkrizek: yeah, they just don't understand what they're missing out on :) 15:02
tflink #chair mkrizek 15:02
zodbot Current chairs: mkrizek tflink 15:02
* pschindl is here 15:02
tflink Cerlyn, pschindl: welcome, welcome 15:02
pschindl tflink: hi Tim 15:03
tflink wow, attendance really is a bit light today :'( 15:05
pschindl kparal has sick day and jskladan PTO. 15:06
tflink well, let's get started anyways 15:06
tflink those who don't show up run the risk of being randomly #action'ed :) 15:07
tflink #topic previous meeting follow-up 15:07
tflink I see two things marked for followup from last week 15:07
tflink 1. tflink to send out testing request for f15 livecd-tools to test@ 15:07
tflink which I did but there looks to be no new karma on it yet 15:08
tflink #info tflink sent out testing request for f15 livecd-tools to test@ but no new karma has been filed 15:08
pschindl no one has f15 everyone is on rawhide :) 15:08
tflink yeah, I don't have an f15 box around either ATM 15:08
tflink which can be a problem but a longer discussion that I want to get into ATM 15:09
tflink kparal to poke abrt team about the test day planned for 04-26 and ensure they're ready in time or it is postponed 15:09
tflink I assume that this happened since AFAIK, the test day went on as planned 15:09
Southern_Gentlem tflink, where did you send the request 15:09
tflink Southern_Gentlem: for testing f15 livecd-tools? test@ 15:10
Southern_Gentlem tflink, next time let me know because at the moment f15 livecds dont create 15:10
tflink Southern_Gentlem: that's why we want to get the new livecd-tools into stable 15:11
Southern_Gentlem tflink, update in bodhi? 15:11
tflink Southern_Gentlem: 15:12
tflink #info assumed that kparal communicated with ABRT team about test day since it did happen 15:12
tflink that's all I had on my list - anything else to follow up on? 15:13
pschindl I don't think so 15:13
mkrizek nothing that I can think of 15:13
tflink then let's move on to ... 15:14
tflink #topic Fedora 17 Final status/planning 15:14
tflink I don't think that there is a whole lot to say here 15:14
tflink #info F17 Final TC2 is available for testing 15:14
tflink #info F17 Final RC1 probably sometime next week 15:16
tflink and I do believe that is it for the status/planning 15:16
tflink #topic Test Day Report 15:16
tflink anyone here who can speak to the results of the ABRT test day better than I can? 15:17
pschindl 15:18
tflink ah, I didn't notice that 15:18
tflink thanks 15:18
tflink #info two people participated in the ABRT test day 15:19
tflink #info 12 test cases were modified and executed 15:19
tflink #info 8 bugs were filed 15:19
tflink sounds like it was somewhat successful, especially since only 2 people participated 15:20
* tflink looks at floor, ignores the part about not participating himself 15:20
pschindl 8 bugs is good result 15:21
tflink #topic Upcoming QA Events 15:21
tflink #info Gnome Boxes Test Day on 2012-05-03 15:21
tflink #link 15:21
pschindl Is it going to happen? Does it work finally? 15:22
tflink I haven't seen anything about cancelling it 15:22
pschindl they haven't set wiki yet 15:23
pschindl there is only template 15:23
tflink hrm 15:23
tflink any volunteers to handle the "poking with stick"? 15:23
pschindl I can do it 15:24
tflink cool, thanks 15:24
tflink #action pschindl to poke gnome-boxes devs about Thursday's test day 15:24
tflink final blocker review meeting #2 was rescheduled, but I'm not clear on when it was rescheduled for 15:25
tflink either tueday or 2012-05-02 15:25
* tflink assumes that it is supposed to be tomorrow 15:26
mkrizek yeah, the email was unclear on that part :) 15:26
tflink #info F17 final blocker bug review meeting #2 rescheduled for 2012-05-01 @ 17:00 UTC 15:27
tflink #info F17 final blocker bug review meeting #3 scheduled for Friday, 2012-05-04 @ 17:00 UTC 15:28
tflink two blocker meetings in one week? Awesome! 15:28
tflink Any other events for this week that I'm missing? 15:29
pschindl hocky world cup? :) 15:29
pschindl *hockey 15:29
tflink hockey world cup? 15:29
* tflink assumes that's not the same as the NHL playoffs that are currently going on 15:30
tflink either way ... 15:31
tflink #topic AutoQA Update 15:31
tflink I don't think that there is much to say here 15:31
tflink we've been mostly working on F17 testing 15:31
tflink pschindl, mkrizek: anything I'm missing? 15:32
mkrizek nope 15:32
pschindl no 15:32
tflink Well, I think that's pretty much it, then. Yay for short meetings! 15:33
tflink #topic Open Floor 15:33
tflink Any other topics to bring up? 15:33
pschindl I hope that no 15:33
* tflink sets the fuse for ~ 5 minutes 15:35
tflink eh, close enough 15:38
tflink Thanks for coming, everyone! 15:38
* tflink will send out minutes shortly 15:38
tflink #endmeeting 15:38

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