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This test case tests the functionality of the ABRT kerneloops feature. We will check that the abrt-dump-oops works and provides correct amount of crashes detected.

How to test

This test abuses syslog a bit - don't forget to restart it at the end of the test case.
  1. Download files:
  2. For each file, run the following command: su -c 'abrt-dump-oops -d -o (filename)'
  3. Both times, pen abrt-gui and check if a crash report was created
  4. Make sure /etc/abrt/events.d/koops_events.conf contains EVENT=post-create analyzer=Kerneloops abrt-action-analyze-oops and analyzer=Kerneloops abrt-action-kerneloops, and /etc/abrt/abrt.conf contains abrt-dump-oops = abrt-dump-oops -drw /var/log/messages. If you have to change anything, restart abrtd: su -c 'systemctl restart abrtd.service'
  5. Append oops1.test to /var/log/messages with the command su -c 'cat oops1.test >> /var/log/messages'
  6. Observe whether a crash notification appears

Expected Results

  1. After running abrt-dump-oops on oops1.test a crash report should be created and visible via abrt-gui and in the terminal
  2. Running abrt-dump-oops on not_oops3.test should not create a crash report
  3. ABRT should catch kernel oops appearing in /var/log/messages and create a crash report, and notify you via the notification area

Now restart rsyslog service so writing to /var/log/messages works correctly again.