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Revision as of 15:03, 16 April 2009 by Jlaska (talk | contribs) (wiki changes)
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This test verifies basic yum functionality while using the presto plugin including searching, installing, updating, removing, and group functions.

How to test

  1. Ensure you have yum-presto installed with:
    rpm -q yum yum-presto
  2. Search for a package:
    yum search ksh
  3. List a package:
    yum list ksh
  4. Install a package:
    rpm -e ksh; yum install ksh
  5. Upgrade a package:
     rpm -e ksh; rpm -ivh ksh-<old_version>.rpm; yum update ksh
  6. Remove a package:
    yum remove ksh
  7. Group list:
    yum grouplist
  8. Group install:
    yum groupinstall <some group>
  9. Group upgrade:
    yum groupupgrade <some group>
  10. Group remove:
    yum groupremove <some group>

Expected Results

  1. All commands above should finish as expected. There should not be a traceback.