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This test case is to run LTP filesystem tests on a NFSv4 root. You can run both NFS server and client on the same system or use different systems. Please note, this test can take a while.

How to test

  1. First, configure the NFS server by creating an NFS mount export
    cp /etc/exports /etc/exports.orig
    echo '/nfs *(rw,insecure,no_root_squash)' >/etc/exports
    mkdir /nfs
    service nfs restart
  2. Next, run the following steps on the NFS client. Mount the NFS directory to /tmp, since tests will manipulate files in that directory.
    mount -t nfs4 <server IP>:/nfs /tmp
  3. Next, install dependencies needed to compile LTP.
    yum install procmail flex bison kernel-devel
  4. Next, download and prepare the LTP testsuite
    wget -c ''
    tar zxvf ltp-full-20090731.tgz
    cd ltp-full-20090731
  5. Before running the testsuite, disable the proc01 test by commenting out the appropriate line in the file runtest/fs. The following command will disable the proc01 test.
    sed -i 's|^\(proc01 proc01\)$|#\1|' runtest/fs
  6. Now, build and run the testsuite from the client.
    make install
    ./runltp  -p -d /tmp -l /tmp/ltp.log -o /tmp/ -f fs | tee TESTOUT.log
  7. Save the output from the tests to TESTOUT.log, copy /var/log/messages from both the server and client, and then tar and compress them together with /tmp/ltp.log and / to upload it to the wiki. Please include a link to the uploaded file in your test day results.
    mkdir log
    scp root@<server hostname>:/var/log/messages messages.server
    cp TESTOUT.log messages.server /var/log/messages /tmp/ltp*.log log/
    tar czvf /tmp/nfs_generic-results-<fedora user name>.tgz log/
  8. Cleanup.
    umount /tmp

Expected Results

  1. Step #1 completes without error.
  2. Step #2 completes without error.
  3. Step #3 completes without error.
  4. Step #4 completes without error.
  5. Step #5 completes without error.
  6. The testsuite finishes without error.
  7. Step #7 completes without error.
  8. Step #8 completes without error.