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Revision as of 19:07, 14 February 2009 by Toshio (talk | contribs) (Add Category)
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A checklist of things yet to do for Fedora 7 release

  • Re-pungi with updated anaconda/smolt/comps for Fedora spin DONE
  • Re-pungi the Everything spins DONE
  • Toss the new anaconda and smolt into the existing mash f7rc2 trees, rerun createrepo with the updated comps. DONE
  • Rsync the rest of the mash bits (debuginfo) to tree. DONE
  • Spin a new set of LiveCDs with the updated smolt. DONE
  • GPG sign all the SHA1SUM files DONE
  • Run over tree DONE
  • Upload new isos to torrent, stage the file. DONE
  • Upload new isos somewhere that Press can get to them (rsync) DONE
  • Hand off tree to IS DONE
  • Alert mirrors as to tree size DONE
  • Request IS makes a URL for Export Approval. DONE
  • Provide Legal with Export URL DONE
  • Once Legal has filed, alert Press to Press URL DONE
  • Create empty repodatas in updates directories DONE
  • Ensure someone is doing a release announcement In Progress
  • Track down 0-day updates, create test plan
  • We want a kernel update, but that's not ready quite yet
  • Evolution? Packages should be ready to go, so we can use this to test the updates procedure.
  • bodhi! bodhi! bodhi! In Progress
  • As above - use evolution to test out bodhi
  • what needs to be done to get those packages into updates-testing?
  • Merge bugzilla (see warren, dkl)
  • Create new bugzilla version
  • Ensure static content is ready to switch DONE

Things for Rawhide

  • Adjust dist-rawhide to pull from dist-f8 DONE
  • cp -al pub/fedora/core/development/* to pub/fedora/development/ DONE
  • Add in code to rawhide runs that continues to keep the two directories hardlinked up. SKIP?
  • Start pushing rawhide to pub/fedora/development/ DONE
  • copy to for Fedora 8 comps. Update mash scripts DONE