From Fedora Project Wiki

Spin Name

Fedora KDE Netbook Spin


A spin for netbook owners and KDE lovers. With a decreased footprint and optimizations for netbooks, the KDE Netbook spin is fast and uses much lesser resources than the conventional desktop.


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  • email: <your email address so we can contact you, invite you to meetings, etc.>

Detailed Description

The spin is aimed at providing better performance on Netbooks and computers with smaller hardware specs. It comes with integrated KDE environment with plasma netbook workspace. The spin consists of the basic tools created out of large packages with several startup processes switched off for a faster boot up. The spin is available as a live cd and is installable from it. The Fedora liveusb-creator provides an overlay feature to put the Netbook-spin on an usb-stick so that the user can install and update software on the fly.

Benefit to Fedora

The KDE Netbook spin will bring about more people to use fedora, and even potential contributors along as well. There is no other distro out there that has a version of KDE Optimized for Netbooks. So with this we can be the first people to do so, and also bring in a lot of people to help us.

Kickstart File

ISO Name / FS Label



  • packages not yet in Fedora (link to the review page if there is one)

Minimal versions of all packaged libraries or KDE Apps A list can be found [here]

  • features that need to be accepted before this Spin can use them


  • features that need to be completed before this Spin can use them


  • any other dependency you can think of, items to be completed

Getting the KDE desktop to default to using plasma-netbook

Scope / Testing

Making Plasma to use the netbook configuration as the default option. The minimal packages also need to be tested, and so do the modifications made to the plasma workspace.

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