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From finally-working-mediawiki-sitemap

Finally a working mediawiki sitemap
Lonny's picture
Sun, 08/24/2008 - 03:46 — Lonny

This is a follow up to Making a sitemap (opensource documentation wild goose chase).

So, thanks to the OLPC folks, we finally have a working google-compliant sitemap. 
The code below is adapted from 
Here are some notes about the implementation:

   1. Save the code as on the root directory (
   2. Add executing permissions to the file, by typing chmod u+x
   3. Run it from the site root by typing sh, or even better run using cron.
   4. I had to download a new version of generatesitemap.php from 
      I was getting a Class 'MWNamespace' error.
   5. I had to get rid of the ticks on the echo lines that were present in the OLPC version. 
      They were breaking the echo.


echo Sitemap script ...
cd maintenance/
/usr/local/php5/bin/php generateSitemap.php
echo Sitemap script ... done

echo Moving files, ungzing ...
mv -f *.gz ../
cd ..
gzip -d *.xml.gz
echo Moving files, un'gz'ing ... done

echo Archiving old sitemap...
mv sitemap.xml sitemap.xml.$(date "+%Y%m%d%H")
echo Archiving old sitemap... done

echo Cating all of the name spaces ...
cat sitemap-appropedia-w1-NS_*.xml > sitemap.xml
echo Cating all of the name spaces ... done

echo Replacing "localhost" with ...
sed -i 's,localhost,,g' sitemap.xml
echo Replacing "localhost" with ... done

echo Cleaning that up ...
sed -i "/?xml version/d" sitemap.xml
sed -i "/urlset/d" sitemap.xml
echo Cleaning that up ... done

echo Adding the XML headers back...
echo "" >> sitemap.xml
sed -i '1i\
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>\
' sitemap.xml
echo Adding the XML headers back... done

echo Cleaning up the catd files ...
rm sitemap-appropedia-w1-NS*
echo Cleaning up the catd files ... done

echo Pinging the sitemap update to the search engines...
wget -q -O /dev/null
wget -q -O /dev/null
wget -q -O /dev/null
wget -q -O /dev/null
wget -q -O /dev/null
echo Pinging the sitemap update to the search engines... done

echo All done


Please feel free to ask questions. I hope that this is finally fixed right.

    * wiki tech

    * Lonny's blog

could work, could't test it myself though.... nippur 01:24, 24 January 2009 (UTC)