From Fedora Project Wiki

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| 1.990Wh
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Revision as of 10:24, 14 November 2013

Fedora Test Days
Power Management

Date 2013-11-14
Time all day

Website QA/Fedora_20_test_days
IRC #fedora-test-day (webirc)
Mailing list test

Can't make the date?
If you come to this page after the test day is completed, your testing is still valuable, and you can use the information on this page to test, file any bugs you find at Bugzilla, and add your results to the results section. If this page is more than a month old when you arrive here, please check the current schedule and see if a similar but more recent Test Day is planned or has already happened.
Secondary architectures (especially ARM)
If you are running Fedora 20 on secondary architecture (especially ARM) and you have wattmeter handy, please measure the power consumption of your device and fill it in the results table bellow. This especially mean test cases Active idle, Tuned powersave idle.

What to test?

Today's installment of Fedora Test Day will focus on Power Management

Who's available

The following cast of characters will be available for testing, workarounds, bug fixes, and general discussion ...

Note: jskarvad will be available at least during 10:00 - 22:00 (UTC+1) on #fedora-test-day, #fedora-power, #fedora-devel, otherwise he will be on e-mail with non guaranteed response time.

Prerequisite for Test Day

  • An updated Fedora 20 pre-relase (preferred) or the 32 bit live medium (SHA-1: 0e43de722e86da6cb088b6712bf7e6e8e758b441) or the 64 bit live medium (SHA-1: 5dbc35594a214f301c7c545d3720eeacae1bce92). In case you would have trouble with these images, you may try our older builds. Or you may get nightly composed LiveCD.
    • It is possible to convert the LiveCD into LiveUSB by following the How_to_create_and_use_Live_USB instructions. If you convert the LiveCD into LiveUSB it is recommended to create on the USB another primary partition that will serve as swap. This is useful for Hibernate and Suspend Hybrid test case.
  • Bugzilla account on the if you plan to report found defects (bugs) to developers (highly recommended). If you do not have one and you do not plan to get it, you can still attend the test day and report the found issues to the test day wiki or via the reporting web application, but this may slow down the resolution of bugs significantly.

Typing convetions

In the following text commands that needs to be run as root are prefixed by #, e.g.:

# id

means to run id command under the root account. Commands prefixed by $ do not need to be run under the root account.

How to test?

This test day is focused especially on suspend, hibernate, LCD brightness control, tuned application power management of video cards and overall power consumption. Some test cases are only for laptop users and it is noted in the test case description field. If you do not have laptop just skip them. You can also skip other test cases (e.g. if you do not have enough time). In this case just leave the columns for skipped test cases blank. Please note that your report will be still valuable even if you do not finish all test cases. The procedure:

  • Run the test cases bellow.

Prepare your system

PM Test Day Live medium
If you are using our PM Test Day Live medium, please skip the following steps, because everything is already prepared for you.
  1. Install the public key for the PM Test Day Overlay Repository (the key is also included in the pm-test-day support package, so if you don't mind to install the pm-test-day support package with the --nogpgcheck option you can go directly to step 2):
    # rpm --import
  2. Install the PM Test Day support package by (use the --nogpgcheck option if you didn't install the public key in the step 1):
    # yum install

Make sure you have all current updates (and temporal fixes) installed by:

# yum update

Also make sure you have the latest version of the tuned package (currently it is tuned-2.3.0-2 in updates-testing). The older tuned-2.3.0-1 from stable should perform similarly, but in case you use it, please do not report issues regarding DBus timeouts and longer response times (these problems were fixed in the tuned-2.3.0-2).

You can also clear your audit log to easily spot all new PM Test Day related Selinux AVCs (this is recommended in case you aren't running from the live medium):

# echo -n > /var/log/audit/audit.log

Known Bugs / Workarounds

  • Problem with screen locking:
    • Screen locking is disabled on live medium, to enable:
      Set password for liveuser:
      # passwd liveuser
    • Enable the locking feature:
      $ gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.lockdown disable-lock-screen 'false'
  • pm-utils hooks are not called during suspend/hibernate/resume:
    • Suspend and hibernate is now handled by systemd which bypasses pm-utils. You need to port your old pm-utils hooks to systemd. Systemd runs hooks from /usr/lib/systemd/system-sleep in parallel and passes them two arguments. First argument can be "pre" or "post" (whether suspending or resuming) and the second argument can be "suspend", "hibernate" or "hybrid-sleep" (according to the type of action performed). You can also create your own systemd services and link them to the or or For details see systemd documentation (e.g. man systemd-sleep).
  • Problem with hibernation from gnome-shell
    • AFAIK currently it is not possible to hibernate from the gnome-shell UI without tweaking (please don't ask me why, I am not Gnome developer), you can invoke the full hibernation (including desktop locking if set, see above) by using systemd:
      $ systemctl hibernate

Test Cases


This is basic test set. Test cases suitable for secondary architectures are specially marked.

Testcase Description Target Approx. time required
Suspend Tests suspend / resume. All 2 minutes
Hibernate Tests hibernate / resume. All 5 minutes
Suspend hybrid Tests hybrid suspend (AKA suspend to both) / resume. All 5 minutes
Lid close Tests system reaction to lid close. Laptops 2 minutes
Backlight control Tests LCD backlight control. Laptops 1 minute
Tuned Tests tuned-adm (tuned) basic functionality. All, including secondary architectures 10 minutes
Active idle Measures power consumption of machine in active idle with tuned disabled. Laptops or users with wattmeter, including secondary architectures 15 minutes
Tuned powersave idle Measures power consumption of machine in active idle with tuned laptop-battery-powersave profile. Laptops or users with wattmeter, including secondary architectures 15 minutes

Test Results

If you have problems with any of the tests, report a bug to Bugzilla usually for the component systemd, selinux-policy, kernel, or tuned. If you are reporting suspend/hibernate problem, please also attach output from dmesg and journalctl. If you are unsure about exactly how to file the report or what other information to include, just ask on IRC and we will help you. Once you have completed the tests, add your results to the Results table below following the example results from the first line. For each test case, use the result template to enter your result, as shown in the example result line. In case you can correctly estimate / measure the average power consumption of your platform, feel free to write the average power consumption in watts instead of the energy consumed during the measurement interval to the results table (it can speed-up the testing).

Alternative reporting through the [web application]
If you are not familiar with the Wiki editing or you come here in prime time and there are a lot of conflicted edits in the Wiki, you can try to report via [web application]. Results from this web application will be automatically transferred to the Wiki on 2013-11-21 and the alternative reporting system will be shutdown to this date. Feel free to continue testing and filling the wiki even after this date. Please note the number of reports currently visible in the wiki doesn't correspond to the number of reports so far sent (i.e. reports sent through the web application).


The first column should be your name with a link to your Fedora User Wiki page (if you have one), and the second should be a short description of the system you tested (i.e. machine identification and preferably BIOS version in case you know it and/or you are able to get it by e.g. dmidecode tool).

User System description
Suspend Hibernate Suspend Hybrid Lid close Backlight control Tuned Active idle Tuned powersave idle References
Sample User Lenovo T500 (BIOS version 3.22)
Fail fail [1]
Pass pass
Warning warn
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Fail fail
4.800 Wh 4.710 Wh
  1. RHBZ #54321
  2. Got report but also encountered RHBZ #54320
  3. RHBZ #864911
Miro Hrončok Lenovo X230 (G2ET82WW (2.02 ))
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
2.650 Wh 2.570 Wh
  1. My Xfce is set to lock the screen when suspend and this does not lock it (as it probably goes around Xfce)
  2. Also tried to unplug battery while asleep
  3. As my Xfce is set, my screen got locked only
  4. SELinux disbaled :P
Miro Hrončok Asus Eee 1000H (1305)
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Fail fail [1]
2.694 Wh (8.044 V) 2.824 Wh (7.980 V)
  1. RHBZ #1030109
lnie Lenovo Thinkstation S20
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
Igor Gnatenko Lenovo ThinkPad X230 (SMBIOS 2.7 present)
Warning warn
Warning warn
Warning warn
Pass pass
Fail fail [4]
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
  1. not requested password
  2. not requested password
  3. not requested password
  4. RHBZ #903136
Martin Pavlik Apple Macbook Air 13" early 2013
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Pass pass
Pass pass
Pass pass
2.820Wh 1.990Wh
Pass pass
Inprogress inprogress
Jozef Mlich Lenovo T430s (BIOS G7ET92WW (2.52) )
Warning warn
Warning warn
Warning warn
Pass pass
Warning warn
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
Inprogress inprogress
  1. not requested password
  2. not requested password
  3. not requested password
  4. not working for external display

Previous test day (for reference)

Previous F19 PM Test Day