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Revision as of 15:28, 28 May 2008 by Ahoffsta (talk | contribs)

Arturo Hoffstadt Urrutia

* GPG Public Key: B88B05CE


* Email: ahoffsta AT fedoraproject DOT org
* MSN: bewatched AT gmail DOT com
* ICQ: 36326470
* GTalk: bewatched AT gmail DOT com


* Fedora [:Ambassadors:Ambassador] for Chile, Valparaíso.
* Member of Valparaiso's LUG
* Member of Encuentro Linux Council


* OpenSource Event
* Encuentro Linux 2006
* Encuentro Linux 2004
* Many Talks in the "Ciclo de Charlas Técnicas"


* [Ambassadors Ambassador for Chile]
* Part of the head-organizing team of the Encuentro Linux 2009

Personal Info

* Last Year Computer Science Student @ UTFSM, Chile
* Linux and Opensource entusiast :D
* Interests: Bioinformatics, Game Development, Artificial Intelligence, System Administration.
* Blog:

CategoryHomepage ["CategoryAmbassadorsChile"]