From Fedora Project Wiki

For packagers who like to share a common spec file between Fedora and EPELs, the following macros are defined in EPEL and Fedora that you can use in conditionals. For each Python runtime, there are 2 versions of the macros: a must version (that says whether the packager must package for that runtime if possible) and a may version (that says that if the packager wants to, they may package for that runtime). Note that even if some macro currently expands to 1 an all Fedoras and EPELs, it maight change in the future.

%py3_must %py3_may %py2_must %py2_may
All Fedoras 1 1 0 1
EPEL 7 0 1 1 1
EPEL 6 0 1 1 1

It's up to the packager whether they conditionalize on the must or may macros, or whether they use those macros at all.